Grounding is the theory that barefoot contact with the earth can produce changes in a variety of physiological measures, including:

- Better sleep
- Reduced stress
- Better recovery

It's real. Interested why? Read on below:
Humans evolved in direct contact with the Earth’s subtle electric charge, but have lost this beneficial connection thanks to inventions of the modern world such as office buildings, furniture and shoes with insulated plastic-soles.
Everything, including humans, is made up of atoms.

These microscopic particles contain equal numbers of negatively charged electrons, which come in pairs, and positively charged protons.

So an atom is neutral – unless it loses an electron.
When an atom has an unpaired electron, it becomes a “free radical” with a positive charge, capable of damaging our cells and contributing to chronic inflammation, cancer and other diseases.
Our ancestors didn't need to know about grounding; they were barefoot or wore conductive footwear.
Grounding puts you in contact with the earth’s surface which has a negative charge and is constantly generating electrons that can neutralise free radicals, acting as antioxidants.

When you stand barefoot on the ground, the Earth is negative 20-50 millivolts.
Research has shown barefoot contact with the earth can produce nearly instant changes in a variety of physiological measures, helping to improve sleep, reduce pain, decrease muscle tension and lower stress
"Grounding promotes significantly autonomic nervous system control of body fluids and peripheral blood flow = improve blood circulation in the torso and face, facial tissue repair, skin health and vitality and optimize facial appearance"
Physical contact with the Earth’s surface can help regulate our autonomic nervous system and keep our circadian rhythms – which regulate body temperature, hormone secretion, digestion and blood pressure, among other things
– synchronised with the day/night cycle.

Desynchronisation of our internal (circadian rhythm) clocks has been linked to a number of health problems.
The Earth has negative ions from lightning, the sun
- Noon is the high point for the sun exciting the electrons on the earth
- Imbalance in charge beginning 2 pm
- The air feels amazing after a thunderstorm because of the negative charge in the atmosphere
"Pleasant and positive moods statistically significantly improved among grounded—but not sham-grounded—participants. It is concluded that the 1-hr. contact with the Earth improved mood more than expected by relaxation alone"

Simply allow your skin to be in contact with any natural conductors of the earth’s electricity, working up to at least 30 minutes at a time

I recommend DAILY.
You can walk barefoot on grass, moist soil, sand, gravel or concrete (but not asphalt)

You can swim in the ocean, a lake or other natural body of water.
You can sit under a tree, leaning against the trunk.

My favourite is swimming in the ocean as you get a hit of minerals too
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