One year ago today I decided to see if I could build a community from scratch.

Mostly I wanted prove to myself that I could do it. So I decided to take what I knew about community building and apply it to my personal Twitter handle.
I didn’t really have an objective other than that. I figured best case scenario I would get a few followers, worst case scenario I only would have wasted my own time.

Never in my wildest dreams could I have guessed what happened...
I have meet dozens of remarkable people (some of which I now get to call my friends). I have learned more about marketing this past 12 months than ever before. And somehow thousands of people are willing to read what I tweet.

I still find it all hard to believe.
All I ever did was try to be a lighthouse for like-minded people, all while working to improve my ability to communicate ideas.
This little experiment has made me a better writer. It’s made me a better thinker. And it’s made me a better person.
I’m grateful for everyone one of you that is as passionate about content, marketing, and creativity as I am. None of this would have happened without all of you.
You can follow @mkobach.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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