Twitter recently changed their enforcement (again). As a result many have found their accounts shadow banned recently. There may way ways to avoid this and reduce its impact on your account if you have already been.

Read on to learn more in this thread.

1: Use of negative language, such as aggressive and profane words may cause your sentiment scoring with Twitter to drop. Check your sentiment score by visiting  and try to raise it if you see too many negative or partially negative tweets.

2: Identical text can also cause problems, such as posting the same tweet across many DMs or repeating the same tweet on your own feed.

Vary things up and try to reduce similar content to reduce the potential to be marked as a spammer.

3: Images that are the same (think memes or otherwise) that are used repeatedly and too often may also be a trigger for being marked as a spammer. Twitter is probably trying to contain too much repetitive content as a trigger for spam bots and catching many other accounts.

4: Replies that are very similar can also create issues. When you reply to tag lists, vary your replies. Same with elsewhere.

Twitter may believe that there's some sort of automation if there's too many similar replies originating from your account and punish you.

5: Rapid fire tweeting can create issues. Twitter looks at the frequency of tweeting and retweeting and if it's happening too often that can create problems as they may believe you are abusing the platform and punish your account. Slow your roll.

6: Tag listing in excess is a trigger for enforcement. Twitter sees this sort of content with so many replies as spam. The more it is done the more likely you may be punished. So tag list sparingly. There are no other workarounds, putting text/emoji in front does not fix it.

7: If you are following more than you are followed by, the thresholds for triggering enforcement seem to be lower. Similarly, following/unfollowing too rapidly creates problems. So be mindful, vet carefully and follow back slowly and only accounts that you trust.

8: Accounts that are new and/or have 500 or less followers are also more prone to enforcement. So if you spin up an alt to try to evade enforcement, not only is that against Twitter's rules, but you may find yourself shadow banned more readily.

9: Be careful of having too many replies, and especially too many engagements with non-followers. It's best to focus on original tweets, then retweets, then replies in that order. Too many replies, and especially to non-followers, may get your account shadow banned.

10: It may be helpful to follow and retweet verified accounts. This is because Twitter assigns them a higher degree of trust and association therewith may benefit your scoring in their enforcement system as well.

11: It is helpful to put out positive sentiment content regularly, whether it is uplifting quotes, humor, good news, etc. That can help to boost your sentiment score and reduce the chance of enforcement or its duration.

12: You should remove apps trusted by your Twitter account wherever possible, whether they are for tracking follows/unfollows, automating tag listing,posting, etc. Many of these apps are doing things like watching your DMs and analyzing your account w/o your knowledge, too.

13: Don't run multiple Twitter overlapping accounts from the same device, IP address, app, etc. This is a violation of the Twitter rules and many will be punished or even suspended for doing so. Especially if Twitter suspects you are doing so to evade rules, spam, etc.

14: Avoid replying to GOP/MAGA accounts with aggressive language, for example, as this can trigger enforcement. And some of these accounts may be trying to engage you to get you reported for what you are replying with as well. Safer to ๐Ÿšซ and move on.

15: Review the Twitter platform manipulation and spam policy. These are the rules they seem to be enforcing more aggressively now. Enforcement is always changing so we're doing our best to research and post constructive guidance. More as I have it.

P.S. Check your status and see if you are shadow banned by visiting  and entering your @. ๐Ÿค“
You can follow @vegix.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword โ€œunrollโ€ to get a link to it.

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