you don’t have body dysmorphia, you’re just anti-fat. ✨💫
like, lol, the replies to this make it very clear people don’t know what BD even is. they just hate that they are/were fat. whomp.
the first tweet has people upset because of course it does lmao. i do not care to read y’all’s long tales about this; go see a therapist.
i am very clear on the fact that not everyone with body dysmorphia thinks they’re fat. in fact, that’s literally my point. body dysmorphia is not “omg i look at myself and see that i’m just so fat” and then you lose weight and all of a sudden you’re perfectly okay. LMAO
using body dysmorphia as a scapegoat for your unchecked anti-fatness is precisely the issue. and it’s ableist af.

there’s body dysmorphia. and then there’s hating your body because you are fat (or you’re not at your “ideal weight”).
at some point, y’all will have to find another excuse and realize that there are fat people with eating disorders, with BD, etc.
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