Totally inspired by Yasamin @yasminm and her neurology thread, here's Anesthesiology as a series of Schitt's Creek gifs:
When you agree to administer more muscle relaxation at the end of the case...
When you've worked with a surgical colleague for a decade and they still call you "Anesthesia"...
When your anesthesia resident suggests a GA for the patient with an ankle fracture and severe pulmonary hypertension...
When your actually sweating during a crisis simulation session...
When you get a page from OBS and it goes like this: "Epidural in Room 8." Click...
When your Friday afternoon case ends EARLIER than expected...
When a licensing exam candidate suggests cardiopulmonary bypass as an option for a failed airway...
When arrive to insert the labour epidural...
When the anesthesia lounge coffee machine breaks down...
When you're 8 hours into a surgical procedure and there's no relief in site...
When the number of "bed up" and "bed down" requests exceeds the surgical instrument requests...
When someone else touches your anesthesia machine...
When someone suggests a neuraxial technique in a bacteremic patient with a coagulopathy...
When your med student is interested in anesthesia because they heard it's a lifestyle specialty...
When you're asked to do an anesthesia consult on a patient who has no admitting history/physical, no surgical consent and the planned procedure has not yet been established...
When you go to ER/ICU to help manage a super challenging airway...
When ENT is by your side, scrubbed and ready, as you prepare to manage your nightmare airway...
When your resident doesn't feel that using an NMB monitor is necessary because it's been almost an hour since the 50mg of Roc...
When your next case is a laparotomy in a patient with sepsis and critical aortic stenosis...
And finally, when it's 2:00 am and the surgeon on call decides to book their case for first thing in the morning...
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