In 1950, the Pentagon produced a documentary on Korean war crimes. Narrated by Humphrey Bogart, it proclaimed: “Taejon: men, women & children murdered cold-bloodedly, deliberately, butchered to spread terror” by “Communist monsters” & “primitive North Koreans". It was a lie.
The slaughter had indeed taken place, but had been carried out by the US-backed Syngman Rhee govt against "communists". Two jeep-loads of US soldiers had attended and taken photos. The Korean military was at that time ruled by the US under the Korea Military Advisory Group (KMAG)
During the 1990s, several corpses were excavated from mass graves, resulting in public awareness of the massacre in South Korea. By 2005, the Korean govt had established its Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate further.
The NYT reported on the findings of the Commission in 2007 with the “both sides” line. However, the findings of the Commission were that the overwhelming majority of brutal massacres were carried out by the US-backed South against "leftists".
During the US occupation of Korea, NYT often reported on these US-backed atrocities as Rhee “Mopping Up Reds”. As the Commission found there were MANY of these types of attacks on leftists. Taejon (Daejeon), or Bodo League massacre, was just one of them.
You can read more about this in Bruce Cumings book, “The Korean War: A History”.
Also recommend Michael Pembroke, “Korea, Where the American Century Began”.
At this site alone, between June-July 1950, 4,000-7,000 men, women and children were slaughtered. "Communists", members of People's Committees, leftists, teachers, trade unionists, business people who'd given donations to the "wrong" orgs, pretty much anyone they wished to kill.
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