When you listen to Trump, you notice that he is the least coherent when discussing facts and objective non-Trump-related issues, whatever they may be (facts and the objective reality they inhabit are not a narcissist’s strong suit); https://twitter.com/yourauntemma/status/1253721133674889216
...but his speech flows almost effortlessly and largely coherently when he airs his personal grievances (nothing sets a narcissist afire like frustrated entitlement and the rage it fuels).
This is where Trump feels at home. Aggrieved entitlement is his territory, of which he is an undisputed king. And this is what his followers identify with the most, so much so that they forget he is not, never has been, and never will be one of them.
But it is, paradoxically enough, the same narcissistic wound of personal humiliation that binds the spoiled, selfish billionaire who has not put in a week of honest work in his life, with his working stiff followers who, after Steinbeck,...
...see themselves as billionaires too, just temporarily down on their luck.
Rage and revenge are the theme of Trumpism. Those pundits and journalists who have not yet noticed it continue to be surprised by the man’s enduring popularity and lecture his supporters about the dangers of racism and bigotry, believing somehow that Trumpists give a damn.
Racism and bigotry of all kinds are necessary fortifiers of Trumpism, but those who keep bringing up and condemning Trump’s racism and bigotry as his raison d’etre and the reason not to vote for him miss the point along with the source of his appeal.
You can follow @yourauntemma.
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