"Anthropology has had a long love affair with the primitive and has preferred to set its tent down among the African bushmen, rather than the heartland of African civilizations. The image of the African has been built upon his lowest common denominator." – I. Sertima https://twitter.com/fake__monkey/status/1251645749739368452
"There is a good deal of archaeological evidence for maritime relations during the first 3 millenia B.C., and perhaps earlier, between India and Iran, Mesopotamia, the Eastern Mediterranean, East Africa, Egypt, and parts of Arabia." – Andre F. Sjoberg
"The Chinese record Africans coming with elephants to the court of China in 70-ton mtepe sailing boats, as early as the 13th century, 200 years before Columbus stumbled into the Caribbean." – I. Sertima
“Imported beads from the Mediterranean or Asia have been found on the Zimbabwe plateau in a site dated c. 690 AD. There is little doubt that Africa at a very early stage drew in imports at points along the coasts of Kenya and Tanzania.” — Noel Mostert
"Ibn Battuta described Kilwa as 'one of the most beautiful and well-constructed towns in the world'... The rich ate off imported Chinese porcelain, wore silks and cottons from the East, and adorned themselves with silver and gold." – Noel Mostert
"Africa has no history and did not contribute to anything that mankind enjoyed." – G.W.F. Hegel
"The Negroes have a greater abhorrence of injustice than any other people. There is complete security in their country. Neither traveller nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence." – Ibn Battuta, 12th Century AD
"The 'Hamitic hypothesis,' is a Euro-ethnocentric construct supposedly demonstrating the ultimate non-African origin of African (which includes Egyptian) culture." – Dr. S.Y.O. Keita
“The concept of the 'Axial Age' allows Greece, and hence Europeans, to be at the beginning of world civilization. Thus, the great Bronze Age cultures of Asia & Africa, upon which Classical civilization depended, were, & had to be, denied" — Martin Bernal
“Just as in Europe where early manuscripts were religious works written in Latin; in Timbuktu the early works are written in Arabic. Arabic spread across Africa in the wake of Islam; just as Christianity spread Latin across Europe...” — Aminatta Forna
“Mathematicians thought fractals were very strange and called them ‘pathological curves.’ 100 years later, French mathematician, Mandelbrot, realised that if you do computer graphics using fractals you get the shapes of nature: human lungs, acacia trees, ferns.” – Dr. Ron Eglash
“The tragedy of Africa is that the African has not fully entered into history. The African peasant only knew endless repetition of the same gestures and the same words. In this realm of fancy there is neither room for human endeavour nor the idea of progress.” — Nicolas Sarközy
"Nubia was a unified polity-with writing, state apparatus, and insignia in 3500 BC, 300 years before dynastic Egypt." – Dr. S.Y.O. Keita
"..knowledge disseminated about the people who built the sites has been omitted from the extensive, but often biased, annals of South African history..." https://mg.co.za/article/2015-02-26-the-bokoni-story-unearthed/ https://twitter.com/profdanhicks/status/1273890368694751233?s=20
“'In its dressed stone mouldings and decorative motifs, the architecture of the Swahili coast maintained over the centuries its own traditions distinguishing it from that of Arabia, Persia and any other Muslim land.” – J. E. G . Sutton
“The Great Mosque of Kilwa...is a very fine example of East African Swahili architecture…a number of details in the buildings are incompatible with the stipulations of Islam for buildings in Arab countries…the ruling dynasties were of local African origin.” – V. V. Matveivev
“The wheel had not been invented in parts of Africa in the 19th century. The number of people in Africa and their average conditions of life have grown enormously as a result of their contacts with the West.” – Milton Friedman
“But what floods of ink were spilled to defraud Africa of its past, what crimes committed to strip it of its artistic masterpieces!” – D.T. Niane
"In being modernistic they are indirectly being African."
—Alain Locke (1936)
LEFT: Pablo Picasso, Standing Nude, 1907
RIGHT: Senufo Sculpture, Ivory Coast
"The further south the Portuguese sailed, the more conscious they were of their own poverty and their greed increased, diminishing their sense of superiority which they derived from their Christian faith...” – D.T. Niane
“Over the gate of the building is an inscription which neither the Moorish traders...nor others learned in inscriptions could read...all these inscriptions are called by the natives Symbáoé [Zimbabwe].” — João de Barros, 1538
“The colonialists have a habit of telling us that when they arrived in Africa they put us into history. You are well aware that it's the contrary — when they arrived they took us out of our own history.” — Amílcar Cabral
“What you call African history is merely the missing pages of world history.” — Arturo Alfonso Schomburg

“In the 16th century, in most parts of sub-Saharan Africa, there were considerable cities for the time...This is what archaeological excavations reveal, as well as...autochthonous chronicles written in Arabic, the language of religion as was Latin in Europe” – Marie-Louise Diop
"We have much to learn about the tribal economies of tropical Africa, but it is increasingly clear that a number of current stereotypes about them are in need of revision." – M.P. Miracle #KhamiRuins

"The king [of Ghana] adorns himself with ornaments around the neck and arms. On his head he wears gold embroidered caps covered with turbans of finest cotton... On guard are dogs of fine pedigree wearing collars of gold and silver." – Al-Bakri, Arab scholar, c. 1000 A.D.
"Drawing upon the strengths of ‘dispersal theory’ and a consensus among Africanist scholars, we conclude that Ethiopia is clearly the homeland of Afroasiatic and that direction of dispersal or movement has been outward from Ethiopia." – Harold C. Fleming
"Despite a long tradition of Asiatic Semitic dominance in language and ‘civilization’ – long represented by the ‘conquering Caucasoid cattle men’ or ‘Hamites’ – we think that tradition was mistaken. Semitic, Egyptian, and Berber came from Ethiopia." – Harold C. Fleming
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