From 🇪🇸 || Atlético Madrid have reportedly put Thomas Partey's contract talks "on hold" as they attempt to ascertain their financial situation for next season (1/2).
This would likely mean they couldn't commit to the content of the contract that Thomas Partey has had on the table since October (2/2).
Clarification of much of the above reports regarding both Jacob Partey's comments (they're legitimate) plus the story regarding Thomas being extremely disinterested in the contract Atlético put on the table for him (1/2).
Also confirmed that JJ Sports Management's constant denials being placed everywhere were much as I said, to do damage control and save the integrity of any potential deal [via @IAmRahmanOsman] (2/2).
Gianluca di Marzio has clarified that Arsenal could very well be in with a shout at signing Thomas Partey this window. He stated that "Arsenal want him [Thomas] a lot. Every Atlético Madrid player is on the market, so, it depends a lot on the offer" (1/3).
di Marzio goes on to say "Atlético are open to selling every player if the offer is good. It also depends on budget - how much Arsenal can afford? And how much Atlético want?" Now this bit doesn't make sense as it's common knowledge Partey has a €50m/£43m Release-Clause (2/3).
One thing seems confirmed though, is there'll be no swap with Lacazette. "Atlético will want money, so it is difficult to see them doing a deal involving other players as part of it." It was previously reported the clubs were looking for a way Atlético could release Partey (3/3).
From 🇮🇹 || Journalist, @MatteMoretto, says that negotiations are still ongoing between Atlético Madrid and Thomas Partey and adds Partey really wants to find a resolution and stay with the club (1/3).
This appears to go against everything Thomas' dad Jacob said especially regarding a very polite letter Partey wrote to the club, it also contradicts reports from Ghanian Journalists as well as the former Black Stars head coach, about Thomas wishing to leave Atlético (2/3).
As well as this, it was only yesterday that Matteo's mentor, di Marzio said that Arsenal definitely want Partey and Atlético would be resigned to selling as "every player is on the market" (3/3).
Interesting update on Thomas Partey's Instagram story... (Thanks to @Ollie_Thorpe for the heads up).
Just to add, he could be thanking the person who made the logo. But in this saga who knows?
From 🇪🇸 || Reports suggest that Arsenal are the primary club showing the most interest in Thomas Partey currently. It's also being reported that Atlético Madrid are extremely unhappy at the behaviour of Thomas Partey and his representatives (1/2).
However it should be noted that both reports have come from two of the three worst sources in Spain, Eldesmarque and Diario Gol respectively, with the third being Don Balon (2/2).
From 🇪🇸 || There are reports this weekend that a swap between Thomas Partey and Alexandre Lacazette could indeed be possible. This was something expressed by us at @SBTBPod over the last month or so, but a report recently suggested it probably wouldn't be feasible (1/2).
However now it appears that with Atlético looking to sign someone uptop and Lacazette still being of their favoured profile and could look to bring the potential deal back to the forefront (2/2).
From 🇬🇧 || The reliable Mike McGrath is reporting that Thomas Partey has indeed informed Atlético Madrid of his desire to join Arsenal and hopes the two clubs can come to some sort of arrangement.
From 🇫🇷 + 🇬🇧 || Both Alexandre Lacazette and his representatives, Score Agencies, have quickly moved to dispel reports that Lacazette has been in touch with compatriot, Antoine Griezmann, regarding life in Madrid and at Atlético.
From 🇬🇧 || According to reports, Manchester United have no interest in pursuing Thomas Partey, as things stand [Via - MEN].
From 🇬🇭 || Relatives of Thomas Partey [Via - The AFC Bell], have given their reasons they believe he is set to join Arsenal.

• He's a boyhood Gooner.

• He really admires Arteta's coaching vision and has since his City days.

• London is a very attractive City (1/2).
The report also states that there is a very strong, firm belief, that a deal can be (or has been) struck between Arsenal and Atlético Madrid (2/2).
From 🇪🇸 || La Liga aficionado Graham Hunter, has spoken very recently about the potential move from Atlético Madrid to Arsenal, for Thomas Partey (1/4).
Hunter feels the amount of PL Football shown in Partey's native Ghana, as well as the role Arteta has had as player and Coach could play a big part in his decision to move, as well as him being a fan of Arsenal since he was young (2/4).
He also adds that the "debt" Atlético are currently in, will likely see other clubs approaching them for their players and despite Partey being a significant player for them, there's "a degree of manoeuvrability" as they have others who could fill the void so to speak (3/4).
Graham specifically names Marcos Llorente as the player who could come in, internally to replace Partey, however Atlético also have the likes of Saúl, Koke and Herrera as well (4/4).
From 🇪🇸 || Graham Hunter has reportedly said he doesn't see Lacazette being part of a swap deal for Thomas Partey as he doesn't fit the profile and due to his age and wages (1/3).
I personally find this slightly hard to believe, considering Atlético have been after Lacazette for the past three years, including last Summer (2/3).
On top of that, I find it hard to believe Atlético wouldn't want a 28yo Lacazette who's on less than £175k PW, but would happily take a 33yo Cavani who is on double that (3/3).
From 🇬🇧 || There's a report in the Mail by none other than Twitter's own Arsenal youth aficionado, Jeorge Bird, citing Paul Oscar from The Sun, which states that Atlético Madrid want to swap Thomas Partey, for Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. I personally see so much wrong here (1/3).
For starters, Atlético Madrid do not need another Midfield player either to replace Thomas Partey, or in general. They currently have Koke, Herrera, Saúl and Llorente, they're primarily after a forward (2/3).
Ontop of that, Liverpool already have Keïta, Wijnaldum, Fabinho and Henderson without Ox. I'm unsure where on the radar this has slunk it's way in, but for me it just feels like a non-story (3/3).
From 🇩🇪 || Thomas Partey's International roommate, Kasim Nuhu, who plays on loan for Düsseldorf from Hoffenheim, has weighed in on the transfer saga of Partey to Arsenal (1/3).
Nuhu has recently said that "Atlético is a very good club, so he's playing at one of the biggest clubs in the world and Arsenal are also one of the biggest" (2/3).
He goes on to say "But as we know, the Premier League is the best league in the world, so if he joins Arsenal I'll he happy for him" (3/3).
It's recently been reported that Atlético Madrid have lowered Thomas Partey's fee, down from his €50m / £45m Release-Clause, to €40m / £35.3m.
From 🇪🇸 || Reports this morning are stating that Arsenal are open to the idea of letting Lacazette go. They say Atlético are huge admirers of the Striker and a "dry swap" with an Atlético player could be attractive.
There appears to be a false report being spread that Partey is in discussions with Atlético on a new contract that's come via Fabrizio Romano.

As confirmed by Fabrizio himself, his last report was April 21 and as reported for some time, Atlético's offer has been there since Oct.
From 🇪🇸 || Guillem Balague says that Thomas Partey "will not be signing another contract" with Atlético Madrid. He also says he doesn't believe any club will pay the full €50m (£44.5m) Release-Clause, so other ideas will have to be thought up, on how to go about any transfer.
From 🇪🇸 || The reliable Cadena SER (Tier 1-2) are now reporting that Arsenal are the club most interested in signing Thomas Partey with Atlético's asking price (€50m Release-Clause) being "accessible to Arsenal" (1/2).
Atlético are reported to be eyeing Mallorca's Iddrisu Baba as well as Mauro Arambarri as replacements for Thomas. This is now every major reliable Spanish outlet mentioning Thomas Partey to Arsenal (2/2).
From 🇬🇭 || It is being reported that Thomas Partey will be deciding his fate in the coming days and definitely before the end of the La Liga restart (1/2).
A source close to Partey has said to Ghanian editorial, FootballGhana, that Partey wants to play for Arsenal and should be expected to be there, next season. They assured the outlet he would certainly be in England (2/2).
From 🇫🇷 || Lassana Camara ( @LassanaWelt - Reliable for African Football), says Thomas Partey is preparing to engage with Arsenal.
From 🇪🇸 || Thomas Partey's Agency, JJ Sports Management Agency, also represent Idrissu Baba who plays for Mallorcan and is a target for Atlético Madrid should Partey leave. They've met and assured Atlético that they'll facilitate the move to replace Thomas Partey.
From 🇬🇭 || It's being reported that Arsenal believe they've won the race for Thomas Partey's signature, having "almost every aspect of the deal" agreed and completed.
From 🇹🇷 || Thomas Partey's childhood friend and International teammate Joseph Larweh Attamah, currently at Fatih Karagümrük on loan from İstanbul Başakşehir, has weighed in on the current situation with the Atlético Madrid Midfielder (1/2).
Attamah recently said that "He [Thomas] has done it all, at Atlético and is well known as one of their best players. He has to move forward to a different league to prove his worth there as well. I will be happy if he goes to Arsenal" (2/2).
From 🇪🇸 || Atlético Madrid are reportedly ready to let Thomas Partey leave the club, after targeting Idrissu Baba and being assured Mallorca would be willing to negotiate much lower than his current €45m (£40m) Release-Clause (1/2).
Baba is represented by the same agency as Partey and as previously mentioned, Atlético have been told JJ Sports Management Agency would be on hand, to facilitate the move [Via Andrés Guzmán - GOL Digital] (2/2).
From 🇮🇹 + 🇪🇸 || There are more reports circulating that Arsenal have every intention of activating Thomas Partey's Release-Clause and also insinuates it is possible to be paid "in installments".
From 🇬🇭 || Thomas Partey's father Jacob, has come out to speak once again, but this time he's projecting complete denial regarding his son. "My son's current club, Atlético Madrid, have a Release-Clause in Partey's deal..." He said recently to Silver FM in Ghana (1/2).
"This means any club which shows interest in signing him, must meet those demands." These denials and taking the side of the club, from Thomas' father now actually bode well for Arsenal. This is around step 7 of a 10 step program (2/2).
From 🇬🇭 || After much speculation, reporting and negotiations between clubs, Arsenal are set to formally activate Thomas Partey's Release-Clause [Via Frank Darkwah - Ghana Sports Online].
From 🇪🇸 || Atlético Madrid are of the opinion they don't need to renegotiate anything, with Thomas Partey. They believe they already have a *very good* offer on the table and if he doesn't wish to accept it, he has a €50m (£44.5m) Release-Clause a club can activate (1/2).
It is worth noting, that this *very good* offer Atlético have on the table for Thomas, has been sitting there since October. There have been no further negotiations from either side and, up until now eight months on, Thomas has still neglected to sign said contract (2/2).
From 🇪🇸 || Madrid based Journalist, Álvaro González, says Thomas Partey's father has once again spoken on the possibility of his departure from Atlético. He also says Partey's camp has done little to dispel the rumours of him leaving but he's 100% focused on Madrid at the moment.
There is an unreliable rumour circulating tonight, which is claiming Atlético have offered Partey "a monster contract offer with a Release-Clause of over €100m" and a wage allegedly €50k PW more than Arsenal offered. There are many reasons this isn't accurate (1/3).
Firstly Atlético's offer has been the same offer, since October. They've presented it to Thomas three times and only two days ago stated they felt their offer was good enough and wouldn't be renegotiating with Thomas. He has constantly rejected this contract offer (2/3).
Ontop of this, nobody knows what Arsenal have even offered Thomas, but it's very highly unlikely that being on the Government Furlough Scheme, Atlético would be able to offer "€50k PW" more than Arsenal. Plus Thomas wasn't happy with a high Release-Clause to begin with (3/3).
From 🇪🇸 || Cadena Cope (extremely reliable source) is claiming that inside Atlético Madrid, important figures are of the belief that Thomas Partey is off, with Arsenal the perceived destination.
From 🇪🇸 || Partidazocope are reporting what appears to be a hugely exclusive piece of news in that Thomas has absolutely decided on his move to Arsenal and doesn't want to acknowledge any offer from Atlético. They say Thomas doesn't feel acknowledged by the club (1/2).
Partidazocope also say that with Thomas' journey to London, Atlético will presumably use the €50m Release-Clause to fund a permanent move for Alvaro Morata (2/2).
From 🇪🇸 || It's being reported that Arsenal have offered Thomas Partey a contract set to triple his current £42k PW wages (so roughly £126k PW). The contract Atlético had on the table isn't a possiblity any longer.
From 🇪🇸 || Guillem Balague claims that Atlético Madrid are now "pushing Partey out the door". They believe Thomas will be gone at the end of the season and believe he'll be in the premier League, with Arsenal.
From 🇪🇸 || According to @Atleti_VAVEL, which covers Atlético Madrid for @VAVELcom, Atlético are bracing themselves for the exit of Thomas Partey, in the coming weeks.
From 🇪🇸 || La Razon have spoken about how it's "an open secret" that Thomas Partey will leave Atlético in order to join Arsenal, who are intent on paying his €50m (£45m) Release-Clause. They add that Atlético Madrid have already begun scouring for his replacement.
From 🇬🇭 || More reports that Arsenal's intent is to pay Thomas Partey's €50m (£45m) Release-Clause "in the coming days", with Atlético Madrid discussing with the representatives of Mallorca's Idrissu Baba, to replace him.
From 🇪🇸 || It's being reported that Atlético Madrid would be "willing to drop the €50m Release-Clause valuation" of Thomas Partey, if Arsenal agree to work out a "head to head deal" involving Matteo Guendouzi, who Simeone is reportedly a fan of.
From 🇬🇧 || Kieran Trippier has appeared on the "The Beautiful Game" Podcast and stated that Thomas Partey has been asking him about the Premier League. He also says Thomas speaks very good English and would have no trouble fitting in.
From 🇪🇸 || The reliable Graham Hunter says that Thomas Partey is ready to come to Arsenal.
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