1/14 Combining The Looking Glass Technology with Quantum Technology - Theory
Here is my theory on how the Looking Glass Technology would tie into my theory on Q. This part of an article stood out to me “With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device
2/14 (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen like a series of events.” That would mean that until Trump took office, they could only see possible timeline outcomes
3/14 in the multiverse but no specific series of events. From what I understand, the future reflected is a result of the consciousness of the operator. So if you have a relatively unconscious individual focused on hate and service to self looking through the technology, those are
4/14 the realities that will be reflected back to that user. Another segment of an article that stood out during my research.. “I have also been told that recently there has been an effort made to outfit videotape recorders to be sent forward through the apparatus, thereby
5/14 allowing the dark project people to gain some insight into what may take place.” I stumbled across a Digital Video Recording Surveillance System called Q-See 8 Channel Surveillance Recording System. I started to research some things after one of Trumps press conferences when
6/14 he was talking about ventilators and emphasized DVR and that’s how I found it. Think of “we have everything” “we know where all the bodies are” what if we were able to attach a surveillance system to a quantum network or device of some type outfitted to either an individual
7/14 or mechanism and send it either forward or backward in time through the looking glass. If you are up against evil armed with weaponized AI technology watching virtually every move the entire world makes, it would make sense to need a top secret avenue to obtain information.
8/14 I would imagine finding a way to bounce between the future and the past while they have their eyes and focus on the present would be the very best way to do so.
9/14 But why would this be necessary? What are the trying to prevent or change? “The numbers that we received before Looking Glass was shut down, disbanded, was that there would be a 19% probability with an 85% confidence, that the disaster would occur, that there would be a
10/14 transition from Timeline 1 to Timeline 2. But, that then means that there’s an 81% chance that it won’t. And so, the individuals who want to carry the, the negative line, are convinced that it’s going to occur, are not presenting the facts.” So when you think about the fact
11/14 that the reflection is based of the consciousness of the operator, it makes a lot of sense. What if they have even sent their weaponized artificial technology into the future and because it is manufactured consciousness the results were completely different from what
12/14 someone of natural consciousness of light with a view of service to others and desire for peace? “They never thought she would lose.” It is also alleged that this technology was planted in the past by people of the future specifically for us to find and that we are
13/14 experiencing timeline jumps as a result of these people and people from our time traveling to the future and past and making minor adjustments while doing so. It’s a war being simultaneously fought in the past, future AND present. 😱🤯
14/14 It’s a lot, I know. And again, I’m not saying this is FACT or anything like that! It’s just a theory!!
ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS: Also, when they say think “mirror” I believe that plays into this all as well. “To see an obvious example of asymmetry, just look at your hands. Your left and right hands are mirror images of each other, and the only way you can make your left hand look like
your right is to look at it in a mirror − moving or turning it just won't work. A molecule that, like your hands, cannot be made to look like its mirror−image by rotating it or displacing it, is called chiral. As with hands, chiral molecules can occur in two different forms,
called enantiomers, which are mirror−images of one another. One will be thought of as the left−handed one, and the other the right−handed one, though it is not always clear which should be which.” I’ve read that you must have 2 of the 3 pieces of the machine turned on in order
for it to work and that what you see depends on the angle and the rotation it is positioned. They could have purposely created mirror or parallel images and information knowing the other side would make the incorrect choice or assumption as to their meaning. Because you see
a reflection of what you are they only see a certain angle, and we would know that and could use it to our advantage. Also makes me think of @DonaldJTrumpJr making mention of them changing or rewriting history in a past Twitter post.’
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