The Demon Child was Guts&Cascas soon to be child who then got corrupted by the rape of Femto. This characters evolution is one of the most insane feats of the series, so lets display it. (A THREAD)
It all starts in Volume 9. Guts and Casca. Guts and Casca go from fighting each other, to trusting each other, to eventually loving each other. This event of them bonding leads to Casca becoming pregnant, prior to the eclipse.
This is a key moment as Femtos rape corrupts the fetus. This single scene holds so much irony, as the most cruel scene of the Manga might end up be the one that decides Femtos downfall.
Due to the rape, Casca is giving prematurely birth, and at this point she already broke down to pieces as a Person. This scene is very painful as it shows you how the rape went even beyond affecting Casca&Guts.
Towards the end of the Incarnation ceremony the egg apostle swallows the dying demon child out of pity. This is an extremely IMPORTANT moment as the consequence of this action leads to the child fusing into Griffiths vessel for his Incarnation.
You can see the flesh of the child being used for Griffiths Incarnation. An unexpected twist to the end of Conviction. After the child fused into Griffiths vessel what you have now are a 2 entities sharing a body with Griffith having most of the control.
At the hill of swords we see the consequence. Griffith himself has no feelings for Guts nor Casca, but the child does and it ultimately forces him to save Casca. Casca reacts, not to Griffith though, but her Child.
After even feeling some sort of nervousness seeing Guts fight Zodd, Griffith realized and comments on how the feelings he felt where those of the being that fused into his vessel. Obviously this is the continuous theme of the childs existence, who cares for its parents.
Time passes and suddenly the Moonlight boy appears. The weird part here is that Miura added an additional panel for the release of volume 28.
The added panels were this. Guts feels something towards the direction of the cliff, and a new panel of someone silhouette appears. Who does the silhouette belong to? Zodd. Most likely there to ensure the safety of the boys body, since it is dangerous for Griffith as well.
The boy shows similar signs as the demon child as in protecting and having an attachment to its mom. Also this panel gives vibes of a family.
Guts follows this up by wondering about the location of the demon child and what happened to him, last time he saw he was swallowed by the egg apostle, not knowing he fused into Griffiths vessel.
Volume 37, the boy saves Guts from drowning. Check the hair, reminds you of a certain someone that we know shared his body with the demon child?
Its full moon, Griffith looks at his hair and its turning black. He is transforming into the moonlight boy... BOOM. It all connects. The demon Child progresses into the boy while sharing a body with Griffith and takes over the body every full moon when his Mother is in danger.
What will Cascas goal be once she knows her child shares a body with her rapist? Killing Griffith means killing the boy. Can you separate the boy or will Guts actually kill his own child to bring down his enemy? Miura built the perfect twist for the ending of Berserk
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