one of my first memories of politics was coming home from school one day and watching this on tv. there was a disconnect. though I was quite young at the time, I instinctively felt horrified that this was being done, while everyone in the media was praising it. it radicalized me
I know many of us are frustrated with his voting view right now, but discovering chomsky in those days was a revelation. a voice in a wilderness populated by ghouls who have never faced any repercussions for what they did
I also have to mention michael moore in this respect. two things in particular stick out to me. first his speech at the oscars exposing the lies, for which he was vilified by alt-centrist shitlibs
and this scene from moore's fahrenheit 9/11. breaks my heart every time I see it
and just so you get a sense of the deranged hysteria that was being pushed by the entire media, from fox news to abc, cnn, guardian, new york times and "liberal" bloggers like ezra klein and matt yglesias
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