No, they're wrong about it all. Angsty "We could fight the government!" fuckscones like to make that comparison because if "backwards Afghans can do it..." which underpins their argument, that if third world folks they view themselves as superior to could do it, obviously they,
with their superior education, way of life, and moral codes, would be even more successful. This forgets a LOT of thing. Namely, that the Afghan conflicts lasted *YEARS* at EXTREME cost to both civilians and militants alike, whilst extracting relatively light (*relatively*)
casualties against the Soviets and US (14K Soviet deaths for the 10 year Soviet-Afghan War, 2500 US deaths in 2001-onward fight). These casualties were deep enough, coupled with failing Afghan government to cause the Soviets to leave and the US to negotiate with the Taliban but
they took *10* years and *19* years respectively. Because the Afghan combatant forces (and the civilians that supported them) continued to persist (obviously this is not uniform, Afghanistan is a diverse nation with varying degrees of support both for the original mujahideen and
for the Taliban). But there is no universe where innawoods militia chucklefucks sustain any sort of insurgency with popular backing for ANYWHERE CLOSE to that kind of time. Secondly, both in the 80s and today, Afghan militants enjoyed state backing, robust supply lines across
ungoverned borders that make the US/Mexico border look like Alcatraz, and the ability to get to safe haven in *multiple* nations where the Soviets (or US) couldn't get to. This is of unspeakably huge benefit, and one that simply would not apply to most of the US (nor would Mexico
or Canada be open to masses of US insurgents flooding into their nations, even if Bubba thought he could survive in the Mexican desert or Canadian forests). Finally (and there's loads more reasons, but these are enough), this argument always follows with "The Afghans beat the
Soviets with Lee Enfields and beat up AKs!" Well... no. No they didn't. They beat the Soviets by destroying entire Afghan Army units and forcing the Soviets to take on routine duties they had expected the Afghan Army to do. They beat the Soviets with heavy machine guns,
anti-aircraft cannons, anti-aircraft *missiles*, big bore tube artillery, mortars, anti-tank rockets, anti-tank mines, rocket artillery, etc etc. They beat the Soviets by being able to loot serious equipment from the weaker Afghan army units, overrunning entire depots. They beat
the Soviets by maintaining robust supply lines, evading technical surveillance, destroying their proxy forces, leveraging significant outside support, and by avoiding going head to head with the actual Soviets where possible.

So no. No your AR-15, Glock 19, and $1000 in tac gear
that you have never operated with in an organized fashion under actual combat stress is *not* going to beat the Marine or Army rifle platoon with all their kit and training, MQ-9 drones, the intelligence apparatus of the US gov, and the VAST logistical networks to support that.
Britain or France aren't gonna step in to aid insrugents in this fantasy civil war. China and Russia aren't going to risk total war to support you after the first few waves of neo-confederate idiots with synethic stock SKSs and Baufeng radios get obliterated. The sprinkling of
former military members that decide to join you aren't going to sway the balance and will a) not be uniform in combat experience b) lack the weapons they had when they were in and c) be well out of practice.

No. These idiots talk mad shit because they're racist fucks who think
Afghan insurgency was straight forward because they saw Rambo and or Charlie Wilson's War plus their cousin who was in Afghanistan told them Afghans cant fight for shit, and even these dudes who can't aim straight can win a war, so they can too. Most of them would never nut up
against the actual military and the few hundred wackos who would would be absolutely annihilated by the most well trained, equipped, and supported military on earth. And I'd cheer for our boys and girls in coyote tan and whatever the Army changes to next time they shake the
Magic Camoflage Ball, as they trod on bloated corpses of traitors to our nation. Fuck you and your fantasy of killing the police and military you spend so much of your time pretending to support.
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