In December 2014, then Scottish National Party activist Aidan Kerr wrote that Scotland was undergoing 'Ulsterisation'.

Here's a thread on what some of the civic and joyous SNP members have been up to since then.....
In April 2015, SNP parliamentary candidate Brendan O'Hara was called out for regularly posting a sectarian term to describe Rangers fans, on Celtic fan forums. He later apologised. And he is now a SNP MP.
In December 2015, SNP councillor Chris McEleny was called out for posting a line from The Ballad of Joe McDonnell (a song praising an IRA terrorist) on Facebook. He later denied knowing the origin of the lyric and apologised.
In February 2016, the SNP's former leader Alex Salmond, culture secretary Fiona Hyslop and MSP Humza Yousaf campaigned in The Old Govan Arms, a notoriously pro-Irish republican pub.
In February 2017, SNP MSP John Mason said the IRA members who murdered 3 young Scottish soldiers in the '70s could be regarded as 'freedom fighters'. He was later forced to apologise. He remains a SNP MSP.
Also in February 2017, the SNP were urged to act against parliamentary assistant Allan Casey after images emerged of him drumming at a pro-IRA march, and of pro-IRA & anti-British posts on Facebook. Casey later admitted the comments were in poor taste. He is now a SNP councillor.
In March 2017, SNP candidate Chris Cullen was called out for a Facebook post proclaiming he was "The RA (short for the IRA) on tour". He said he was the victim of a social media campaign. He is now a SNP councillor.
In October 2017, SNP MSP James Dornan and councillor Feargal Dalton were called out for a 2014 picture of them posing in front of the flag of a proscribed Irish republican terrorist group. Both remain in their roles.
In March 2018, SNP councillor Julie McKenzie was called out for tweeting in 2014 a sectarian term to describe Rangers fans. She later apologised but remains in her role.
In June 2018, SNP MSP John Mason (again) sparked anger by signing a Holyrood motion to remember Irish Easter Rising leader James Connolly. Mason remains in his role.
In April 2019, Glasgow City Council leader Susan Aitken suggested to her SNP colleagues in a closed Facebook group to smear Labour MP Frank McAveety (a Celtic fan) for attending a match at Ibrox. She remains in her role.
Also in April 2019, the Irish republican group Saoradh, who are linked to the 'new IRA', are allowed by the SNP run council to walk through Glasgow resulting in disturbances with counter demonstrators.
In September 2019, a near riot is caused on Glasgow streets following the SNP run council granting of two Irish republican marches.
In December 2019, new SNP MP Steven Bonnar crossed his fingers whilst mumbling allegiance to the Queen. He remains a SNP MP.
In January 2020, SNP MSP John Mason (him again) tweeted that he will not represent constituents who want Orange (Order) marches or those who want Scotland to remain in the UK. He remains a SNP MSP.
In July 2020, SNP supporting comic The National shared the views of journalist Kevin McKenna. This same Kevin McKenna edited The Celtic View and said in the late 80s that the IRA bombing at Enniskillen was a "legitimate act of war" and that Protestants were "low lifes"
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