I love finding unusual wildlife facts, so instead of having random tweets scattered I thought I’ll conveniently bundle them all here:
https://twitter.com/rxmchls/status/1251608645068087301?s=21 https://twitter.com/rxmchls/status/1251608645068087301
Lionesses do about 90% of the hunting for their pride. Male lions do roughly a max of 20 kills a year.
Gentoo penguins are the fastest of all penguins, they can reach speeds of 22mph.
Compare this to most of their other species, which swim at around 4-7mph.
Compare this to most of their other species, which swim at around 4-7mph.
Should you ever need to tamper with a crime scene (???), bring a koala. Their fingerprints are extremely similar to a humans loops and arches.
In Australia the police have actually feared that investigations have been tampered by their prints.
In Australia the police have actually feared that investigations have been tampered by their prints.
The worlds fastest punch belongs to the mantis shrimp. Their punch travels at about 50mph, “accelerating faster than a .22 bullet”.
Apparently, it’s not only humans that have accents specific to their home regions. Research has shown that sperm whales in the Caribbean have a different “accent” to whales in other oceans.
Incase you didn’t know, there are glow in the dark sharks (& fish)!
Researchers discovered there are two species which emit a biofluorescent green glow - chain catsharks and swell sharks.
Researchers discovered there are two species which emit a biofluorescent green glow - chain catsharks and swell sharks.
Dolphins give each other “names”. Research shows that they use a unique whistle to identify each other.
A cockroach can live up to a week without its head, after which it will only die due to starvation.
They can also fit through gaps as small as a quarter of their body height by flattening their exoskeletons.
They can also fit through gaps as small as a quarter of their body height by flattening their exoskeletons.
Japanese honeybees swarm an intruder but rather than stinging they will vibrate their bodies, collectively raising their body to temperatures of 80 degrees. Basically, they cook their enemies alive.
Dolphins get high on the toxic secretion of puffer fish by licking/chewing it. They even treat it like a spliff and take turns by passing the fish around to each other.
Otters are necrophiliac, serial killing, raping little fur monsters. They prey on harbour seal pups, cause deep wounds and then rape them until they die.
They also like to drown female otters and drag their dead carcass around to repeatedly rape.
They also like to drown female otters and drag their dead carcass around to repeatedly rape.
Axolotl salamanders are the masters of regeneration. They can regrow limbs, front portion of their brain, spinal cords, testes and 1/3 of their heart.
When male honeybees orgasm, their testicles explode and they die.
Horses can’t vomit. Rabbits too, nor can they burp. If they have too much gas and get bloated their stomachs can rupture causing them to die.
Sharks (450+ million years) have been around longer than trees (350 million years) and are dubbed as living fossils. They’ve survived all 5 global mass extinctions that wiped 80 of the planets megafauna.
Kangaroos can’t hop backwards.
Despite their name, killer whales (orcas) belong to the dolphin family, of which they are the largest member.
Female ferrets die if they go too long without sex.
Cows have best friends and they panic when they are separated from them.
When turned upside down, sharks enter a state of tonic immobility. Effectively they are paralysed and if in position long enough will die.
Orcas have figured this out and have been seen holding sharks upside down, often to chomp on their livers.
Orcas have figured this out and have been seen holding sharks upside down, often to chomp on their livers.
The mantis shrimp can detect 12 color wavelengths. Humans are only able to see 3.
Contrary to popular belief, the color red does not make Bulls angry.
They are color blind. Not completely but they lack the red retina receptor, as do other cattle. Movement is what gets them angry.
They are color blind. Not completely but they lack the red retina receptor, as do other cattle. Movement is what gets them angry.
Koalas are stupid as f*ck. They feed primarily on eucalyptus leaves which were, and still are to the babies, originally poisonous to them.
If you took the leaves off the branches and laid them around a koala, they wouldn’t know to eat them and would literally starve.
If you took the leaves off the branches and laid them around a koala, they wouldn’t know to eat them and would literally starve.
Baby koalas are too young to digest the plant as they don’t have matured digestive systems. Adult koalas eat the plant & then pretty much sh*t out the digested plant for the babies consumption.
This could all have been avoided if they weren’t so dumb and ate a different plant.
This could all have been avoided if they weren’t so dumb and ate a different plant.
Rhino horns are made out of keratin - the same protein that makes nails and hair.
Here’s a Himalayan Griffon vulture in battle mode! It is an “Old World” vulture, which do not have a good sense of smell - this normal for raptors.
They rely exclusively on their eyesight to locate food & when soaring can spot a 3-foot animal carcass from 4 miles away.
They rely exclusively on their eyesight to locate food & when soaring can spot a 3-foot animal carcass from 4 miles away.
Alligators have an average bite force of 2100 pounds PSI, enough to bite through steel. Minor compared to the saltwater crocodile who slam their jaws shut at 3700PSI.
This is mad considering they have almost no jaw-opening muscles, you can hold their mouth shut with your hands.
This is mad considering they have almost no jaw-opening muscles, you can hold their mouth shut with your hands.
There’s an immortal jellyfish, the Turritopsis dohrnii, that literally can live forever.
In short, once they reach a certain age it pretty much turns itself inside out and reverts back to its juvenile state, which normally happens after they reproduce.
In short, once they reach a certain age it pretty much turns itself inside out and reverts back to its juvenile state, which normally happens after they reproduce.
Desert ants have an internal pedometer and they “count” the amount of steps they have taken to find their way back home.
If you made some of the ants’ legs shorter, they’d take same amount of steps but wouldn’t be able to find their way because the distance is less.
If you made some of the ants’ legs shorter, they’d take same amount of steps but wouldn’t be able to find their way because the distance is less.
Rabbits can scream - but only when they feel they’re about to die or are fearful of a predator.
Do not piss off a crow. They can recognise and memorise your face - they also hold grudges!
They will also still remember to attack you even 5 years after the initial incident.
They will also still remember to attack you even 5 years after the initial incident.
3% of the glacier ice in Antarctica is composed of penguin urine.
Some octopus females will consume a male after mating. To combat this the males will detach their penis, which is basically a sperm ball, and throw it at the female so she has the option of using it as a dildo.
This is the ultimate “go fuck yourself”.
This is the ultimate “go fuck yourself”.
There aren’t many creatures with actual blue pigment - most blue animals trick us into appearing blue by reflecting blue and violet light.
True blue is rare, the only ones known to create actual blue pigment is a genus of Nessaea butterflies.
True blue is rare, the only ones known to create actual blue pigment is a genus of Nessaea butterflies.
Male barnacles have the largest penis in proportion to its body size in the animal kingdom, reaching up to 50 times the length of the barnacles body.
Baby elephants tend to suck their trunks to comfort themselves the same way human children suck their thumbs.
Do not drink sea water. The average blue whale produces over 400 gallons of sperm when it ejaculates, but only 10% of that will reach a female.
That’s 360 gallons of sperm entering the sea. Per whale.
That’s 360 gallons of sperm entering the sea. Per whale.
Hummingbirds are incredible flyers, beating their wings 80 times per SECOND.
They’re also the only known birds that can fly backwards.
They’re also the only known birds that can fly backwards.
Wombats poop is cube-shaped.
Sperm whales are loudest mammals on the planet & very chatty. Their clicks reach an incredible 230 decibels. They can very easily burst your eardrums & vibrate you to death.
For reference: a jet engine 100ft away, 140 decibels. Eardrums bursting 150dcb, death is 180-200dcb.
For reference: a jet engine 100ft away, 140 decibels. Eardrums bursting 150dcb, death is 180-200dcb.
Orcas experience menopause. Pods are matriarchal & the elder females stop reproducing in order to focus their attention on the survival of their pod and not compete with their own children.
When pursued by a predator, quokka mums will dash their baby out of their pouch as a sacrifice.
The babies make noise and thus attract the predators attention so that the mum can escape.
The babies make noise and thus attract the predators attention so that the mum can escape.
Some scorpions can hold their breath for 6 days.
However they have nothing on a tiny arachnid called the northern pseudoscorpion, which can survive without breathing for 17 days.
However they have nothing on a tiny arachnid called the northern pseudoscorpion, which can survive without breathing for 17 days.
Anybody ever wonder where white sand beaches, like those in Hawaii, got their colour from? Majority of the sand grains are actually parrotfish poop.
That’s what you get when your diet consists of coral.
That’s what you get when your diet consists of coral.
Polar bears don’t have white fur - it’s actually transparent and their skin is black. The fur looks white due to light refraction in the hair.
Both features are meant to maximise the suns energy - the fur has a 95% efficiency in converting UV rays into useable heat.
Both features are meant to maximise the suns energy - the fur has a 95% efficiency in converting UV rays into useable heat.
Lions have the loudest roar of all the big cats. Their vocal chords form a square shape, which stabilises them and enables better response to passing air.
Roars can reach 114 decibels (even to someone standing a few feet away) and can be heard from 5 miles away.
Roars can reach 114 decibels (even to someone standing a few feet away) and can be heard from 5 miles away.
For reference:
- a turbo-fan aircraft at takeoff power at 200ft = 118 decibels.
- live rock concert = 114 decibels
- thunderclap = 120 decibels.
Long story short, lions are fucking loud. Can you imagine the fear of being anywhere near a single animal capable of that sound?
- a turbo-fan aircraft at takeoff power at 200ft = 118 decibels.
- live rock concert = 114 decibels
- thunderclap = 120 decibels.
Long story short, lions are fucking loud. Can you imagine the fear of being anywhere near a single animal capable of that sound?
Sadly estimated that only 1 in 1000 to 10,000 sea turtles will survive to adulthood.
A narwhal tusk is actually an enlarged tooth with sensory capability & 10 million nerve endings inside. They can grow as long as 10ft.
False myth: elephants are the only mammals that can't jump. They can never get all 4 feet off the ground at once - even when running at full speed.
They are joined by sloths, rhinos and hippos in not being able to "jump" but these lot can get all 4 feet off ground at once.
They are joined by sloths, rhinos and hippos in not being able to "jump" but these lot can get all 4 feet off ground at once.
No matter what height you drop a squirrel from, it will most likely survive.
They have stretchy bodies, a puffy tail and experience a lot of drag, meaning they have low terminal velocity and hence can survive such impacts.
They have stretchy bodies, a puffy tail and experience a lot of drag, meaning they have low terminal velocity and hence can survive such impacts.
Penguins are genetically kinda always squatting. Their legs are longer than you think and they actually have knees, which are just always tucked in.
The population of kangaroos in Australia is double the humans. Their meat isn’t unpopular to consume & is a healthy option - high protein, low fat.
80% of animals hit by cars are kangaroos - majority of rental insurance won’t cover you there if you drive in the outback in dark.
80% of animals hit by cars are kangaroos - majority of rental insurance won’t cover you there if you drive in the outback in dark.
Moray eels have a second set of jaws that they “shoot” at the prey they have just captured in their oral jaw.
Onto my favourite, the tiger
They have one of the best memories of any animal and stronger brain synapses means better short term memory than even humans. It lasts approximately 30 seconds longer than ours.

They have one of the best memories of any animal and stronger brain synapses means better short term memory than even humans. It lasts approximately 30 seconds longer than ours.
Tigers sometimes feed on bears due to overlapping territories - Bengal tigers on sloth bears, Siberian tigers on black & brown bears.
They’re great impressionists and in order to lure the bears in will imitate the sounds of their prey.
They’re great impressionists and in order to lure the bears in will imitate the sounds of their prey.
Apparently every day is leg day. Tigers’ back legs are so strong that they’ve been known to be shot, bleed out and eventually die but still remain standing.
Allegedly if you look a tiger in the eye it’s less likely to kill you - they hunt by ambush, losing of element of surprise means they’ll likely find another prey.
Men in India often wear masks on the back of their head with a second face as a counteractive measure.
Men in India often wear masks on the back of their head with a second face as a counteractive measure.
Tigers stripes help break up the outline of its body, making it hard to see and they appear as shadows stalking through long grass in moonlight.
The stripes are like fingerprints - no 2 have the same pattern. Their skin is also striped not just their fur.
The stripes are like fingerprints - no 2 have the same pattern. Their skin is also striped not just their fur.
The only marking that is similar in them all is the one on their forehead, which closely resembles the Chinese symbol of ‘wang’ meaning king. Very fitting if you ask me.
Tigers have been known to jump as high as 15ft in the air, can apparently leap distance of 20ft & can reach speeds of 40mph.
They’re also adept swimmers and unlike the other big cats, enjoy bathing and playing in water. They can swim several km to hunt/cross rivers.
They’re also adept swimmers and unlike the other big cats, enjoy bathing and playing in water. They can swim several km to hunt/cross rivers.
Of the once-9 subspecies of tigers:
3 are extinct, 1 is extinct in the wild and the rest are endangered.
We’ve lost 97% of the wild tiger population in the last century and it’s been estimated the last remaining subspecies will become in extinct in as little as 15 years.
3 are extinct, 1 is extinct in the wild and the rest are endangered.
We’ve lost 97% of the wild tiger population in the last century and it’s been estimated the last remaining subspecies will become in extinct in as little as 15 years.
Apparently tiger wee smells like buttered popcorn. Do with that as you wish.
Tiger roars will paralyse you. It can be heard from 2 miles away and they produce extremely low-pitched infrasound growls that are so deep we can’t hear but will definitely feel.
Tigers have antiseptic saliva. Their tongues have small, sharp, rear-facing projections called papillae which give it the rough texture.
It’s designed to strip the skin, feathers, fur and meat off prey. They’ve been known to lick the paint off the walls of their zoo enclosures.
It’s designed to strip the skin, feathers, fur and meat off prey. They’ve been known to lick the paint off the walls of their zoo enclosures.
They’re solitary creatures and it’s quite rare to find them group together in the wild.
They also have better manners than lions. Rather than fight to the death over a kill, tigers often share their meals with others that cross paths.
They also have better manners than lions. Rather than fight to the death over a kill, tigers often share their meals with others that cross paths.
On the topic of them having better manners than lions, tiger males have often been observed in the wild to allow the females and cubs to eat first before divulging themselves.
A lot of speculation but tigers can’t really purr. Their throats hyoid bone is flexible, unlike a house cats which is rigid and thus they aren’t capable of the same purr noise.
Instead they often show happiness, comfort and calmness by squinting/closing their eyes.
Instead they often show happiness, comfort and calmness by squinting/closing their eyes.
Only female mosquitos bite and suck blood in order to use the protein to produce eggs.
Both males and females live off consuming sugary substances such as flower and honeydew nectar.
Both males and females live off consuming sugary substances such as flower and honeydew nectar.
Green woodpeckers tongues are freakishly long.
So long, in fact, that it coils behind the skull, over the eyes and into the right nostril in order to fit inside its head.
So long, in fact, that it coils behind the skull, over the eyes and into the right nostril in order to fit inside its head.
Turns out roosters, the little fuckers, bother everybody but themselves with their nonsensical wake up call.
When they open their beaks, their ear canal partly closes up and covers 50% of their eardrum. Literal, built-in earplugs.
When they open their beaks, their ear canal partly closes up and covers 50% of their eardrum. Literal, built-in earplugs.
Disney lied to y’all. I’m not sure how many people are aware but, there’s no such thing as a black panther (as a species of its own).
What you call a panther varies but they’re normally melanic big cats e.g leopards/jaguars. Genetic mutation makes their furs black.
What you call a panther varies but they’re normally melanic big cats e.g leopards/jaguars. Genetic mutation makes their furs black.
An ostrich may not be able to fly but they have amazing legs. They can sprint at 43mph and run over distances at 31mph. They cover 10-16feet in one stride.
They also double up as formidable weapons. Their kicks can kill a human or potential predators such as lions.
They also double up as formidable weapons. Their kicks can kill a human or potential predators such as lions.
It used to be thought that Komodo dragons had toxic bacteria in their saliva. Turns out they had venom glands all along!
They kill with a grip, rip & drip tactic. When they bite, they pull back resulting in huge gaping wounds. Venom quickens loss of blood&sends prey into shock.
They kill with a grip, rip & drip tactic. When they bite, they pull back resulting in huge gaping wounds. Venom quickens loss of blood&sends prey into shock.
Armadillos can hold their breath for up to 6 minutes under water.
They can also delay their pregnancy. Yep. If they mate and decide nahhh I’m not ready for this, they can literally put pregnancy on hold for up to 2 years.
They always birth identical quadruplets too.
They can also delay their pregnancy. Yep. If they mate and decide nahhh I’m not ready for this, they can literally put pregnancy on hold for up to 2 years.
They always birth identical quadruplets too.
In captivity, giraffes sleep about 4.5 hours a day.
In the wild, their daily sleep total doesn’t exceed 40 minutes. They sleep fully standing and in short bursts, no more than 5 minutes at a time.
It used to be thought that they didn’t sleep at all.
In the wild, their daily sleep total doesn’t exceed 40 minutes. They sleep fully standing and in short bursts, no more than 5 minutes at a time.
It used to be thought that they didn’t sleep at all.
Hyenas have very complex societal pack structures based on strict matriarchy. The girls are favoured over the boys, who usually emigrate the clan.
The females also have pseudo-penis’ (a 7” clitoris) through which they urinate&give birth, often resulting in death. For visuals
The females also have pseudo-penis’ (a 7” clitoris) through which they urinate&give birth, often resulting in death. For visuals

Seals are known for doing this cute af “banana pose”. They apparently do it when feeling content, but also lifting their head and tail helps to regulate their body temperature.
Flamingos aren’t born pink. They are born grey or white and get their pink colour from the pigment in shrimp and algae that they eat.
A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance.
A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance.
Reindeer eyes change colour depending on season. In summer, their eyes are golden. In winter, they change to blue.
This is to help them see better in the dim winter conditions as the blue retina reflects less light.
This is to help them see better in the dim winter conditions as the blue retina reflects less light.
Owl eyes aren’t true “eyeballs”, they have tube-shaped eyes which are completely immobile. This provides binocular vision to focus on prey/depth perception.
They also have 3 eyelids and can rotate their necks 270 degrees (as they can’t move their eyeballs).
They also have 3 eyelids and can rotate their necks 270 degrees (as they can’t move their eyeballs).
If reincarnation is real, I’d like to become a snail. They can sleep for up to 3 years at a time.
They need moisture to survive, so if the weather isn’t up to scratch they shift into hibernation/estivation to escape warmer climates.
They need moisture to survive, so if the weather isn’t up to scratch they shift into hibernation/estivation to escape warmer climates.
Fossil hunters discovered remains of a species of dinosaur-eating crocodile native to North Africa.
Not only were they adept swimmers, they could also gallop on land.
Not only were they adept swimmers, they could also gallop on land.
Tarantula spiders can survive for 2 years (and more) without food. As long as they have water available they’ll be fine.
Chimpanzees in the wild are little alcoholics.
They conducted a study for 17 years in Guinea, where they witnessed chimps climbing the trees and using leaves to gather and drink naturally fermented palm sap wine.
They conducted a study for 17 years in Guinea, where they witnessed chimps climbing the trees and using leaves to gather and drink naturally fermented palm sap wine.
Honeybees can get STDs.
Squirrels can’t vomit. Neither can mice, rats, beavers etc.
Most mammals would vomit out a toxic substance after injection, except for rodents and hence why poison is such a go-to as a rat/mouse killer.
Most mammals would vomit out a toxic substance after injection, except for rodents and hence why poison is such a go-to as a rat/mouse killer.
Vanilla flavouring is sometimes sourced from the butt of a beaver. That’s right, you read correctly.
Beavers secrete a lovely goo from their castor sacs called castoreum, which they use to mark territories. It’s a byproduct of their diet of bark and leaves.
Beavers secrete a lovely goo from their castor sacs called castoreum, which they use to mark territories. It’s a byproduct of their diet of bark and leaves.
Otters are pricks - but they’re cute pricks.
To avoid floating away from each other, they hold each other’s hands whilst sleeping. Usually it’s mothers and pups but it does carry over into adults.
To avoid floating away from each other, they hold each other’s hands whilst sleeping. Usually it’s mothers and pups but it does carry over into adults.
Petting birds makes them horny. Yep.
Have you noticed how much birdies like it when you stroke them? Turns out, they love it. Like a lot.
When birds mate you’ll notice they stroke each other along the head and back. So when you’re stroking them it’s basically their foreplay
Have you noticed how much birdies like it when you stroke them? Turns out, they love it. Like a lot.
When birds mate you’ll notice they stroke each other along the head and back. So when you’re stroking them it’s basically their foreplay

I don’t know what you do when you feel threatened but it definitely doesn’t match up to the greater short horned lizards.
They shoot blood out of their eyes.
I’m not talking trickles - actual projection up to 4 feet away, like a water gun
They shoot blood out of their eyes.
I’m not talking trickles - actual projection up to 4 feet away, like a water gun

Bored ducks become cannibals.
They’ll literally stop by a neighbours nest, crack open the eggs and swallow fully-formed chicks. All to pass the time.
It happens so often they’ve invented a beak-trimming machine to stop ducks going all Jeffrey Dahmer on their mates asses.
They’ll literally stop by a neighbours nest, crack open the eggs and swallow fully-formed chicks. All to pass the time.
It happens so often they’ve invented a beak-trimming machine to stop ducks going all Jeffrey Dahmer on their mates asses.
Scorpions are amazing, if their stinger gets lodged in an enemy they can detach it & run away while it continues to pump venom.
However after this they’ll pretty much be constipated to death - their anus is inside their tail. It will gradually fill up with poo until it explodes.
However after this they’ll pretty much be constipated to death - their anus is inside their tail. It will gradually fill up with poo until it explodes.
Sea cucumbers are nasty ass creatures. Many species & all have one thing in common - they eat shit.
Their defence mechanism vary tho. My favourite are the ones that violently contract their muscles and spew some internal organs out their anus at enemies. Which they regenerate.
Their defence mechanism vary tho. My favourite are the ones that violently contract their muscles and spew some internal organs out their anus at enemies. Which they regenerate.
Since 1990, a total of 25000 specially trained snapping turtles have been released into the Ganges river in India.
Specially trained for what, you may ask? To eat dead bodies. They invested $32mil into turtle farms to combat the rising number of rotting corpses in the river.
Specially trained for what, you may ask? To eat dead bodies. They invested $32mil into turtle farms to combat the rising number of rotting corpses in the river.
Giant rats are becoming so big they’re being hunted with sniper rifles in Iran. Some weigh as much as 5kg, with trained snipers patrolling the streets for them. They can get even bigger.
They’ve become resistant to poison too - 75% ineffective in parts of UK.
They’ve become resistant to poison too - 75% ineffective in parts of UK.
The golden poison dart frog is the size of a paper clip but can kill you with a single touch.
It’s coated in a lethal toxin that leaves nerves and muscles ineffective, leading to death.
It contains 1 milligram of poison, enough to kill 10-20 humans.
It’s coated in a lethal toxin that leaves nerves and muscles ineffective, leading to death.
It contains 1 milligram of poison, enough to kill 10-20 humans.
On episode 9474728 of why Australia will never see me in this lifetime, we have this old beauty: the largest box jellyfish (chironex fleckeri).
It has tentacles that can grow to 3 metres and it’s sting will cause cardiac arrest in victims.
Can be found in Malaysia,Philippines
It has tentacles that can grow to 3 metres and it’s sting will cause cardiac arrest in victims.
Can be found in Malaysia,Philippines
Statistically - you’re more likely to die from getting kicked or stepped on by a cow than a shark.
Also, cows grazing in a field will simultaneously all face the same direction.
Also, cows grazing in a field will simultaneously all face the same direction.
Based off predictions and estimations, hippos kill more humans in Africa than lions, elephants, leopards, buffalos and rhinos combined.
They’re ridiculously aggressive and unpredictable. I honestly dno why they’re such an angry species. Basically Algerians of the animal kingdom
They’re ridiculously aggressive and unpredictable. I honestly dno why they’re such an angry species. Basically Algerians of the animal kingdom
King cobra venom isn’t the most potent amongst snakes, however a single bite has enough neurotoxin to kill 20 people or even an elephant.
If you want a raging boner then forget viagra! Just get a bite from a Brazilian wandering spider. I’m sure you can look past the intense pain and increase in blood pressure for a few hours

Octopuses aren’t the only ones who kill their partners. The female praying mantis will often kill her mate after sex, after she has stored sperm for later to fertilise eggs.
Some males will actually offer themselves up as a meal for their newly impregnated partners.
Some males will actually offer themselves up as a meal for their newly impregnated partners.
Scientists have created spider goats - genetically modified goats with spider genes and silk in their milk.
They look completely normal and only about 1/70000th spider (give or take). The “biosteel” silk fabric is 5x as strong as steel, one of the strongest materials in nature.
They look completely normal and only about 1/70000th spider (give or take). The “biosteel” silk fabric is 5x as strong as steel, one of the strongest materials in nature.
Hamsters can also be cannibalistic. Some mothers have been observed to eat their very much alive babies.
The Romans used powdered mouse brains as toothpaste. Amongst many other things, such as their own urine as teeth whitener. Lovely visuals there folks!
Insects massively outnumber us. By like a shitload.
The ratio is estimated at 1.4 BILLION insects per ONE human being.
The ratio is estimated at 1.4 BILLION insects per ONE human being.
Snow leopards have really powerful legs and can leap as far as 50 feet.
Vertically they’re able to jump about 20 feet.
Vertically they’re able to jump about 20 feet.
Basically males are pests no matter what species they are.
So much so that female dragonflies drop out of the sky and pretend to be dead when being pursued, until the coast is clear and the males piss off.
So much so that female dragonflies drop out of the sky and pretend to be dead when being pursued, until the coast is clear and the males piss off.
Mother octopuses grimly starve themselves to death until their eggs hatch. She stops eating completely and wastes away whilst she watches over and protects the eggs.
Her last job when they hatch and before she dies is to disperse them.
Her last job when they hatch and before she dies is to disperse them.
Armadillo armour is quite literally bulletproof.
A man from Texas fired shots at an armadillo in his yard - only for it to ricochet and hit him in the head
A man from Texas fired shots at an armadillo in his yard - only for it to ricochet and hit him in the head

Not a fact but I just wanted to chuck in this loving chimpanzee “saving” a tiger cub because it’s bloody adorable 

Allegedly around 50% of all orangutangs have fractured bones mostly due to falling out of trees so often.
Sea lions are the first non-human mammals to keep a beat.
Meet Ronan, who is demonstrating her rhythmic ability here:
Meet Ronan, who is demonstrating her rhythmic ability here:
Due to not having any natural predators to worry about, wild pandas can literally take a snooze anywhere. Sleepy? I take a nap right here.
I’m jealous.
I’m jealous.
The closest living relative to the mighty T-Rex is...drum roll please...
You guessed it! The chicken.
What a backwards evolution
You guessed it! The chicken.
What a backwards evolution

My literal worst nightmare has arrived. Flying snakes. Which are also venomous.
They’re able to glide in the air for up to 330ft, fanning their ribs so their body width doubles thus improving aerodynamics. They can even do turns & change direction mid air.
They’re able to glide in the air for up to 330ft, fanning their ribs so their body width doubles thus improving aerodynamics. They can even do turns & change direction mid air.
Due to the genetic similarity with humans, gorillas are susceptible to many of the same infectious diseases and illnesses - such as our colds.
In Alaska, it is illegal to whisper in someone’s ear if they are moose hunting.
There’s quite a few strange laws when it comes to moose: can’t look for a moose from a plane on the hunting day, can’t give them alcohol, can’t push them out a plane (???).
There’s quite a few strange laws when it comes to moose: can’t look for a moose from a plane on the hunting day, can’t give them alcohol, can’t push them out a plane (???).
In Alaska, surprise surprise, while its illegal to shoot bears it’s also prohibited to wake a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photo.
I just want to know. Who the fuck is dumb enough to be waking sleeping bears to snap a selfie.
I just want to know. Who the fuck is dumb enough to be waking sleeping bears to snap a selfie.
Cows emit between 200-500 litres of methane gas, per day. There’s around 1.5billion cows in the world.
They contribute to 37% of gas emissions resulting from human activity.
2/3 of all ammonia also comes from cows.
They contribute to 37% of gas emissions resulting from human activity.
2/3 of all ammonia also comes from cows.
Some turtles can breathe out their butts.
Water turtles have a cloaca they rely on for oxygen when under water. The Fitzroy river turtle gets 2/3 of its oxygen this way.
Water turtles have a cloaca they rely on for oxygen when under water. The Fitzroy river turtle gets 2/3 of its oxygen this way.
Honeybees communicate via dancing - they’ll do a waggle to tell other bees where the best pollen is.
Otters have a secret skin flap pocket which they store their food in.
They also use it to stash their favourite stone, which they use to crack open hard mollusk shells. They usually keep their favourite rock for life.
They also use it to stash their favourite stone, which they use to crack open hard mollusk shells. They usually keep their favourite rock for life.
Squirrels will adopt other babies if they are abandoned, even more so if they are closely related. Sweet given that natures usual code is “survival of the fittest”.
This one might shock. Penguins aren’t all the adorable creatures we thought they are - they too are necrophiliac rapists.
Males were seen having sex with dead carcasses, the sexual and physical abuse of chicks, non-procreative sex, homosexuality and females prostituting.
Males were seen having sex with dead carcasses, the sexual and physical abuse of chicks, non-procreative sex, homosexuality and females prostituting.
Contrary to popular belief, fish have a decent memory and good vision.
If you have one as a pet, chances are it knows your face.
If you have one as a pet, chances are it knows your face.
Similar to whales, cows and goats also have accents that differ regionally. If they hang with different herds they’re likely to adopt their sounds.
To a snail, losing an eye is no big deal. They’ll just grow a new one back.
Not that eyesight really matters seeing as they’re pretty much almost completely blind, as well as deaf.
Not that eyesight really matters seeing as they’re pretty much almost completely blind, as well as deaf.
Jaguars have the strongest bite, pound for pound, out of the big cats. The way they kill is also different - they crush skulls.
They’re not typically aggressive animals, but when they are it’s with an explosive force. There’s no chance of escape if it wants to kill you.
They’re not typically aggressive animals, but when they are it’s with an explosive force. There’s no chance of escape if it wants to kill you.
Jaguars aren’t particularly picky when it comes to their diet.
They are opportunistic feeders who’ve been known for taking down anacondas, crocodiles, alligators and bears.
Like tigers they also enjoy the water and are very good swimmers.
They are opportunistic feeders who’ve been known for taking down anacondas, crocodiles, alligators and bears.
Like tigers they also enjoy the water and are very good swimmers.
I think Jaguars are amazing and severely underestimated creatures who should be given more respect.
Did I forget to mention their bite force is more than double that of a lions? Take that.
Did I forget to mention their bite force is more than double that of a lions? Take that.
Ghost crabs are able to intimidate other creatures with their claws - but oh no, this alone wasn’t enough.
They’re also able to growl like dogs to scare predators away. They make the growling sound by grinding the teeth inside their stomach against each other.
They’re also able to growl like dogs to scare predators away. They make the growling sound by grinding the teeth inside their stomach against each other.
Monkeys are cute but they’re also fucking gross. Capuchins pee on their hands to wash their feet.
It’s also thought they do it when they’re feeling horny to convey “warm and fuzzy” feelings to the females.
It’s also thought they do it when they’re feeling horny to convey “warm and fuzzy” feelings to the females.
Silverback gorillas have a bigger bite force (1300psi) than bears (975psi).
Piranha bite force is 30x its body weight. This creature has most powerful crunch on the planet, greater than great white shark, & smell blood 2miles away.
They typically won’t attack healthy animals & though human attacks have been noted, no deaths. Some species are vegetarian.
They typically won’t attack healthy animals & though human attacks have been noted, no deaths. Some species are vegetarian.
Humpback whales don’t just have size as a strength when it comes to hunting. They actually team up to perform this “bubble technique”.
They blow bubbles underwater and swim in an upward spiral, creating a circular net of bubbles that trap the fish making it hard to escape.
They blow bubbles underwater and swim in an upward spiral, creating a circular net of bubbles that trap the fish making it hard to escape.
Zebra stripes are fly-repellent. There still isn’t a definitive reason as to why but mix of black & white is definitely less attractive to horseflies.
The thinner the stripes the better.
They’ve even painted cows in zebra stripes and noticed a 50% decrease in bites.
The thinner the stripes the better.
They’ve even painted cows in zebra stripes and noticed a 50% decrease in bites.
Meerkats are also baby-killing machines.
Not only does the dominant female in a clan control the breeding, she also kills the young which aren’t hers to ensure her offsprings have the best chance of survival.
Not only does the dominant female in a clan control the breeding, she also kills the young which aren’t hers to ensure her offsprings have the best chance of survival.
How adorable are stingray babies?!
Adult stingrays have really long tails that have a spine and venom, which they use to protect themselves from predators.
Ancient Greek dentists once used the venom as anaesthetic!
Adult stingrays have really long tails that have a spine and venom, which they use to protect themselves from predators.
Ancient Greek dentists once used the venom as anaesthetic!
Frogs can freeze themselves if they can’t avoid the icy weather that comes along.
Once the weather is more bearable, they will thaw themselves and continue hopping about like nothing happened.
Once the weather is more bearable, they will thaw themselves and continue hopping about like nothing happened.
Deers aren't the harmless herbivores we thought they were.
They've been known to eat all sorts of animals - birds, rabbits and even human remains.
They've been known to eat all sorts of animals - birds, rabbits and even human remains.
Wallaby mothers will also chuck their baby out of their pouch, oftentimes at the predator giving chase, in order to increase their chance of escape. Fuck them kids!
This little cutie here is a shrike. When they catch small prey, they impale them on objects around their territory.
As well as serving as a pantry, males will often also garnish the decaying bodies with items such as fetchers to attract female mates.
As well as serving as a pantry, males will often also garnish the decaying bodies with items such as fetchers to attract female mates.
Platypuses are quite unusual. They're mammals, but lay eggs. They have venomous spines on their hind legs - it won't kill you but it is excruciatingly painful.
Here's a shocker: they also happen to glow under UV light. That's right, yet another biofluorescent species.
Here's a shocker: they also happen to glow under UV light. That's right, yet another biofluorescent species.
Spidey lizard, spidey lizard, does whatever a spider can.
Presenting the Mwanza Flat-headed Rock Agama - also dubbed as the Spider-Man Agama. No particular strange facts about this lovely lizard, it's just cool to look at.
Oh and they're fucking hench.
Presenting the Mwanza Flat-headed Rock Agama - also dubbed as the Spider-Man Agama. No particular strange facts about this lovely lizard, it's just cool to look at.
Oh and they're fucking hench.
90% of all large ocean hunters have disappeared. Well, I say disappeared but more specifically they’ve been wiped out.
This is due to us humans and our unsustainable overfishing.
This is due to us humans and our unsustainable overfishing.
To add to the stats, 100 million sharks are killed every year. Mostly to be turned into shark fin soup.
Elephants have trumpets and rumbles that denote specific words and phrases which they use as warnings/collective calls, such as “let’s go” and “bee”.
New research has now confirmed they also have a rumble for “human”.
New research has now confirmed they also have a rumble for “human”.
Pufferfish contain tetrodotoxin, making them taste foul & lethal to fish. It's 1200 times more poisonous than cyanide. Enough toxin in one to kill 30 humans & there's no antidote. So don't eat them, or you dead.
They're a delicacy in Japan tho! Only prepped by licensed chefs.
They're a delicacy in Japan tho! Only prepped by licensed chefs.
Male Langur monkeys entering a new troop slaughter the youngest of the group in cold blood.
This is so they don’t have to protect and feed offspring that aren’t their own.
This is so they don’t have to protect and feed offspring that aren’t their own.
The honey badger is the most fearless animal alive in the Guinness Book of World Records.
These smart crazies attack large prey by removing their testicles & wait for them to bleed out.
They’re also immune to many venoms - they get bit by king cobras and simply sleep it off.
These smart crazies attack large prey by removing their testicles & wait for them to bleed out.
They’re also immune to many venoms - they get bit by king cobras and simply sleep it off.
Blue ring octopus venom contains one of the most potent neurotoxins known to man - tetrodotoxin. The venom works by causing paralysis.
It’s 10,000 times more toxic than cyanide and they pack enough of it to kill 26 adults within minutes.
It’s 10,000 times more toxic than cyanide and they pack enough of it to kill 26 adults within minutes.
I bet you were having a lovely day until I scarred you for life. Behold, the ostrich dick!
Seeing as an ostrich is part of the flightless bird family (3% of birds have a penis) it was baffling scientists how they could achieve an erection - it’s lymphatic rather than blood.
Seeing as an ostrich is part of the flightless bird family (3% of birds have a penis) it was baffling scientists how they could achieve an erection - it’s lymphatic rather than blood.
I bet when you look at ducks you think aww, cute little creatures. Aha-ha.
They carry out socially organised violent, ugly and deadly gang rapes. It’s extremely common & the female is often drowned.
They have a corkscrew shaped penis which is also barbed & 20cm long erect.
They carry out socially organised violent, ugly and deadly gang rapes. It’s extremely common & the female is often drowned.
They have a corkscrew shaped penis which is also barbed & 20cm long erect.
Rare sight of rainbow blanket octopus in blackwater dive.
Females can grow to 6.5m in length, males only 1inch when matured. Males store their sperm in an arm, they detach it into a female & then die.
They’re immune to man’o’war venom so rip their tentacle to use as a weapon.
Females can grow to 6.5m in length, males only 1inch when matured. Males store their sperm in an arm, they detach it into a female & then die.
They’re immune to man’o’war venom so rip their tentacle to use as a weapon.
Closest living relative to a manatee, despite their nickname “sea cow”, is the elephant.
They’re thought to have evolved from a land mammal 60million years ago.
Both also have flipper/toe nails.
They’re thought to have evolved from a land mammal 60million years ago.
Both also have flipper/toe nails.
Putting into perspective the sheer size of a Blue Whale, their tongues weigh as much as an elephant.
Roughly it can weight around 3 tonnes. Just the tongue.
Their hearts weigh 180kg and their blood vessels are big enough for humans to swim through.
Roughly it can weight around 3 tonnes. Just the tongue.
Their hearts weigh 180kg and their blood vessels are big enough for humans to swim through.
Octopuses like to sucker punch fish for absolutely NO reason other than pure spite, just cause they can and just to be a dick.
Fossil remains of the largest penguin species to exist, the Colossus Penguin, were unearthed in Antarctica.
This penguin stood at 6’8” and weighed about 250 pounds. It lived around 37 million years ago.
Basically Lebron James - but make it penguin.
This penguin stood at 6’8” and weighed about 250 pounds. It lived around 37 million years ago.
Basically Lebron James - but make it penguin.
Red pandas are friggin adorable 
Whilst this pose may look cute, standing up and raising their paws is actually a defence mechanism to appear larger and more threatening.

Whilst this pose may look cute, standing up and raising their paws is actually a defence mechanism to appear larger and more threatening.
If you weren’t terrified of bears enough already, let me show you how quickly they can run and climb trees.