Decided to do a #hundredyearswar hobby #wargaming project and thought I’d do a thread which I build up as I go. So, as it’s just in the early stages, here’s the first steps...
This bunch of random model parts heaped around mdf bases should ultimately become an English Army.
These test bases are what convinced me to get the rest done: one of men at arms, and the other of longbowmen. Models are all from the #perryminiatures range.
I want the basing system to be as flexible as possible, so I am using 60mm x 60mm square bases.
As I’m a die-hard planner that likes to work all this stuff out in advance, I should mention that I’ve planned out the army to work in the excellent #tothestrongest rules set by Simon Miller.
To keep it historical, the army will be three commands, each of a ‘herce’ of one unit men at arms, plus two units of longbowmen.
The rules give each general a unit to be attached to, so technically I should model them on the base. I decided that was too limiting however, so I have opted to keep them separate on round 40mm dia. bases, which I’ll use as markers.
Another thing the #tothestrongest rules need are ammunition markers. I’ve used the round counter-disk bases from @warbases, topped with some arrows from the perry English army set.
Well-led units can be shown by giving them a ‘hero’ counter, to represent a particularly intrepid captain. I’ve some character models (Foundry, I think?) I’d previously mounted on pennies, who are now being repurposed.
Lastly, each command can get a ‘camp’ base to improve its tenacity. Here I’m using a munch of random medieval characters, a wagon, plus some plastic barrels. Also some archery practice targets.
Here’s some more #hundredyearswar models underway. These shall be my french mounted #knights to oppose the invading English, although they’re still under construction at present.
Most are Perry miniatures plastic models, but I also have a few by Bkack Tree Design, who are getting rebased. All will be on 6cm frontage bases, as per infantry, but these are 8cm deep to give the models enough room.
Also arrived in the post: a tent set! This is a resin model from War World Gaming. Now my knights won’t have to worry about sleeping out in the rain, as I’ll be including this in my Campsite bases. 👍
A wee typo in the tweet earlier: Black Tree Design! I’ll try and give company names where I can, so if people see something they like, they can obtain it themselves.
Got some #hundredyearswar character figures delivered by front rank figures, yesterday. I’m putting them on 40mm circular bases which is (just about) enough to fit on a leader and banner-bearer. The general’s base is slightly more crowded, to stand out.
I should mention that I’m temporarily sticking the unpainted models to the bases, so I can play games before long (and check spacing!) once they’re detached and painted, I’ll glue them permanently into place.
I’m actually a bit stuck right now for figures: I need mounted heroes and generals for the French. Perry have a few but they’ve closed for lockdown. Any #Warmongers have any manufacturers they’d recommend?
Something of a change of plans in basing my #crossbowmen as I find the Perry figures need a bit more space. Six models a base is too crowded. Checking lets me experiment with five or even four.
Here, for example, is the same base with just five models. There’s not really any sense they’re more spaced out, so it still works just as well.
More basing headaches: commanders are on round 40mm bases, heroes on round 25mm: but I want mounted heroes too, who don’t fit on 25mm rounds. Bigger rounds just look like commanders, so for now I’ve resorted to square bases. Not yet convinced!
I always misjudge how long it takes to build all the models, but here’s the full set. Only two bases of men at arms still to go, and the command figures are ordered & on the way.
Last of the French men at arms assembled, which means barring characters I now have all my unit models assembled. Next up: the minor matter of painting!
Now received some casualty figures from Perry Miniatures, which I’ll use as Disorder markers. Sadly they’re a basing headache: they simply will not die neatly, within the 25mm rounds I had planned to use!
Taking the problem as an opportunity, I have ordered some more bases of 30mm size, and also elected to take the chance to get square ones. This’ll help distinguish them from Hero bases, and also a flat edge can be placed clearly next to a unit base.
Also courtesy of Perry Miniatures: some French foot command. These ‘gentilhommes’ shall be paired up with banner-bearers for command bases, or individually to be Hero markers, as per the English ones.
Oh, and I’ve had a basing error: stakes should be a removable marker, but I’ve gone and modelled them on the bases themselves. I’m going to use some old stakes on 2p coins to put a few extra out, when they’re deployed in-game.
I’m waiting on bases from sarissa precision to finish my command bases, so until it arrives it’s on to something else: scenery! I’m cutting up 12cm square bases of hardboard to make into some #wargaming terrain, which is largely a new thing to me!
That’s gone alarmingly well: no need for precision straight lines, so I cut them out with a saw and then went mental at the edges with some coarse sandpaper, even rounding off the corners. Even a clown like me can do it!
I’ve realised that for my #hundredyearswar project, my usual sparse #wargaming table-style will not do. This pic shows my usual style of bare green table - hardly fit for ‘that garden France’, so I’m also including a scenery revamp in my goals.
Some #HundredYearsWar #Medieval men at arms for the English army. Most units are ready for use if I need them, but I’d stuck these guys on corks for painting and it was really starting to bug me!
And some further good news: @SarissaPrec have delivered my order for my final bases, which means my #hundredyearswar project is now full steam ahead!
Finally based all my commanders on large round bases (40mm foot, 50mm mounted) plus my hero markers (25mm foot,50x25 mounted) and casualty counters (30mm squares). Now all glued or blu-tacked into place. Ready for painting! #HundredYearsWar #Medieval
A sudden urge struck to paint up all the longbowmen for my English #HundredYearsWar army. I’ve detached them all from their bases and pencilled in an identifying number, to stop me mixing up the poses and not having enough variety on any one base.
Lots of brown needed, but thankfully I’ve gathered a decent variety of paint shades. Here’s the GW contrast paints being put to use with their corresponding figures.
Some more longbowmen progress. To do them in bulk, I’m doing the universal parts all at once: the wood of the bows, skin of hands & faces. After this I’ll break the groups down and paint up a base of 6 to completion each sitting. #wargaming #paintingminiatures #hundredyearswar
Too many shades of brown? I’ve devised a grid system where each model gets lined up with two shades at random, which are then used for odd details like belts, gloves, daggers, pouches, shoes, etc. Means no two are exactly alike!
And yes, I know I said I was going to do a base per sitting through to completion, but I just can’t settle to it - at least not until I have each model fully basecoated, at least.
Back on my #hundredyearswar project, and after a break I’m back to shading thirty longbowmen. They look a little murky at present, but highlighting should soon have them ready for basing. 🎯
Finally, the biggest mental block on my #hundredyearswar project is done: all longbowmen painted! Now basing is underway. The English army will be ready before long, I feel.
Basing is underway. I could mix up brown paint, sand, pva, etc. However in practical terms I must admit it’s simply easier to just use Stirland Mud, so that’s what I’ve plastered on here.
More #HundredYearsWar painting. Knocked out my Henry V this evening, and it’s a nice change to do a single figure rather than batch-painting thirty.
My #HundredYearsWar army is getting near completion. Only grass and banners to go now. #miniaturepainting #wargaming
I meant to mention on my #HundredYearsWar project how I did the banners. Printed them out, sharpened up the colours with paint, then backed the paper with tinfoil. It lets the flags hold the ‘scrunched’ look from the wind far better! #Wargaming #paintingminiatures
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