A Lockdown Glossary (thread)

Irusu (Japan) - pretending not to be home when someone calls or visits.
Gluggaveður – Iceland. Lit. 'window weather'.
Weather that is nice to look at through a window.
Age-otori (Japanese): to look worse after a haircut.
Dyschronometria — to have no concept of time.
Clinomania - an excessive desire to stay in bed.
Weltschmerz (German) lit. “world-pain” - what you feel when the world as it is doesn’t reflect what you think it should be.
Betsubara (Japanese) – someone who can always eat more. Literally 'extra stomach'.
Latibulize - to retire into a den, or hole, and lie dormant.
Kalsarikänni (Finnish) - to get drunk at home, on your own & in your underwear.
Abibliophobia - the fear of running out of reading material.
Donaldkacsázás (Hungary) - wandering around one's house with a shirt but no trousers.
Kummerspeck (Germany) – literally 'grief bacon'. Excess weight or body fat gained due to emotional overeating.
Přesezený (Czech) - stiff from sitting in the same position too long.
Vorfreude (Germany) - joyful anticipation derived from imagining future pleasures.
The End :-)
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