1- This is for those of you who want to understand what is taking place from the Spiritual evolutionary perspective regarding our shift and how it’s aligned with what’s playing out in our reality right now with regard to Covid19 I’m going to explain this in the simplest way👇🏻
2- In 1987 we had the Harmonic Convergence. People came together in a collective meditation to connect in unity consciousness. That became a regular practice and eventually by 2012 enough people had awakened that Gaia was ready for her spiritual ascension. On 12/21/12 that
3- process began. It was a 7yr process that completed 12/21/19. As of 1/13/20 Gaia started her physical ascension. We had a timeline split and 3D lifted out of the electromagnetic field of Gaia. We are in 4D / 5D now and our body is shifting along with the Earth. We, along
4- with our Earth have been in our ascension. As we shift and our DNA upgrades we feel these changes in our body due to the high frequency light streaming in from the great central sun. We can’t see it but it’s what’s creating the headaches, dizziness, balance issues,
5- eye problems, shoulder / neck aches, bloating / gas and so much more. Each light frequency: Photonic, plasma, rainbow, diamond light etc works through a different area of our body to restructure our cells. Some of this process feels uncomfortable in our body. It can effect
6- our memory. The frequency we are living in (Shumann Resonance) is the highest ever. We are in the greats part of our spiritual awakening right now. The energy has to do with “deceit”. It is “patriarchal abuse of power”. We saw it start back in October 2017 with #MeToo and
7- the divine feminine finding a voice. We are now at the heaviest push to finally balance that energy in all of us. This is not about men and it’s not about women, it’s about clearing an energy that Gaia has been carrying in her electromagnetic field and that same energy being
8- carried in ALL of our body’s electromagnetic field. We are balancing our own divine masculine / divine feminine through the collective experience as we unite in this fight for balance within our government, our personal lives, as well as our planet. It’s about our
9- Sovereignty. Everything that is occurring is doing so in divine and perfect timing aligned with the planetary actions. We are all exactly where we are meant to be. Some will not like it because it makes them feel fear. This fear is due to old timelines, prior incarnations
10- of Armageddon, doomsday timelines needing to clear but the fear makes you hang on. Let go and breathing through is required to heal the fear presenting. The Earth, humanity has raised its vibration high enough that those timelines are no longer an option to be played out
11- in our experience right now on Earth. We need to trust that everything is happening exactly as it’s meant too. If you are new to my work thank you for taking time to read this. As always take whatever resonates as leave the rest. Holding you in light & love today ❤️
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