Let me be clear (a thread):

Those "all over the place" feelings you've been having? They are symptoms of stress, NOT personal failures of yours.

Do you feel FLAKEY + INCONSISTENT? That's b/c your brain doesn't know what news to brace for next, or what next month will hold.
TIRED EASILY? That's because your brain is burning your energy 10x faster than usual.

CAN'T SEEM TO FOCUS? That's b/c your brain has temporarily shut down some functionality in your prefrontal cortex—the part that juggles complex tasks + planning— due to the stress response.
Feeling CREATIVELY BLOCKED? That's because your brain has temporarily diverted all its creativity (aka ability to solve novel problems) to "how do I avoid dying?" while in a narrowed, slow burn, fight-or-flight state.
SUDDENLY DON'T GIVE AF about future-based goals, projects, or dreams like you used to? That's because your brain knows being short-sighted is a safer way to cope right now.
Your plans, creativity, energy, focus + motivation are on a YO-YO right now, b/c your brain believes you need to be EXTREMELY ADAPTIVE.

You will not be on this rollercoaster forever. Be patient with your brain.


a positive psychology-certified coach + fellow human
and since it's become clear so many of us are dealing with this kind of slow-burn stress—if u want more "understand your brain, like your life" content [w/ sources] join my email list https://bit.ly/alexisemails  — or read my book on the science of happiness http://www.findyourfyeah.com 🙃
You can follow @alexisrockley.
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