You wanna know what white privilege is?

Let's look at the credentials for the "Council to Reopen America"

1. Mark Meadows: Not only is Mark Meadows not a doctor, but his official gov't bio also says he only holds a bachelor's degree.

That is a lie.
Mark Meadows actually has an Associates of Arts, which the school says is "for students whose goal is to eventually pursue a baccalaureate degree."

He basically has a 13th grade education

This doesn't mean that Mark Meadows is dumb.

But Mark Meadows is dumb.
Interesting fact about Mark Meadows:

He doesn't believe in science.

He doesn't believe in climate change and thinks the earth is 6,000 years old.

That's right. The man who will "open up the country also believes dinosaurs went extinct because Noah didn't put any on the ark.
Ivanka Trump has a bachelors in economics, which helped her immensely working for her last 4 employers:

Her daddy's TV show (The Apprentice)
Her daddy's beauty pageant (Miss Teen USA)
Her daddy's charity (The Trump Foundation)
Her daddy's campaign
Jared Kushner is dumber than Ivanka. Luckily his daddy is rich. He managed to accomplish great things, including:

Bankrupting a newspaper
Not having a security clearance
Getting into Harvard after his father donated $2.5 million which wouldn't be weird if not for 1 thing:
His dad didn't go to Harvard.

It's probably a coincidence that his dad donated the $$ as soon as Kushner began looking into colleges, according to @propublica .

I personally believe he should be applauded for making the transition from Sesame Street star to White House advisor
To be fair, Steve Mnuchin is not dumb.

He somehow worked his way up from being the son of a partner at Goldman Sach's manager to becoming a partner at Goldman Sachs.

Mnuchin made most of his money buying banks, doing illegal shit, and then selling b4 the feds come in.
Although I haven't looked it up, I'd guess 30-40% of Americans don't make their money buying banks.

Mnuchin, another "family values" guy, also updates his wife every few years. Here's a picture of him on a date with his 3rd wife showing what he can offer
Larry Kudlow is the definition of elite. He has never attended a public school in his life and his FIRST JOB was at the Federal Reserve, just like most Americans.

(The Federal Reserve has actually hired many black people in the position of "those colored who sweep the floor."
Kudlow has never run a company. He's never worked a "real job." He was the Reagan Administration's biggest advocate of "trickle-down theory."

Even though he never ran for office, a rival called him "a champion of big corporations and big money"

Kudlow took it as a compliment
Larry Kudlow makes Wilbur Ross look like Hustle Man from the Fif Flo.

Ross is essentially Mr. Smithers from The Simpsons. He loves to get broke corporations back on their feet by taking from employees. By 1998, he had been involved in 1/3 of the biggest bankruptcies in history.
I don't know how, but Wilbur Ross made so much money in bankruptcies that he became rich. He even showed a broke casino owner how to stop investors from taking over his 3 business even though (excuse me while I switch to all caps)

That businessman was Donald Trump
The other person in that photo is Robert Lighthizer, a low-key trade representative whose ability is never questioned.

He grew up the poor son of a Florida physician and worked in the Reagan administration as an international trade expert.
It's said that Lighthizer is quietly one of the most influential people in the Trump Administration who set the policy on the Chinese tariffs that cost American manufacturers and forced jobs to move overseas

Seems like the right guy.
The lives of the entire country will depend on the decision of a man who thinks Abraham was around with dinosaurs and...

Wait... there really are NO DOCTORS on the "Re-Open America" team.

There are literally 2 black doctors ALREADY IN THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION!
Now, I wouldn't say that any of these guys are on the council because they are white.

But how many black US policymakers do you know with a community college degree? Here's a list of black people with more experience and education who are more qualified to open up the country
Dr. Dre
Dr. Dolittle (The Eddie Murphy one)
Yolanda Adams (She knows how to open up her heart)
Avon Barksdale (He is a small business owner and a "community organizer,"
Flava Flav (seriously, Mr. Flav is a college grad, meaning he is more educated than Mark Meadows)
The Lox, DMX and Lil Kim (say what you want, but they had money power AND respect)
Jared from Subway
Marsai Martin (I met her. She's smart AF)
Inyala Vanzant
Cardi B. (Like Ivanka, she started on a reality show and made it to the top. Unlike Ivanka, Cardi used her own talent)
But I'm sure we'll be fine.
I wasn’t done ( I had something on the grill)

As I was saying:

Even though I wouldn’t hire these clowns to run a McDonald’s, here is why we’ll be fine if Trump wants to open up the economy (again, I must switch to all caps)

He didn't shut down a single business
He resisted using the Defense Reauthorization Act to make PPE
He didn't shut down state governments
He didn't even ask governors to shut down states
Not even the WH Press Corps social distancing is bc of him
It might upset some people to see this group of clowns who didn't even attend clown college talking about "opening up the government" but this is one case where you can find solace in Trump's ineptitude.

Part of the problem is that hasn't done anything
This is why the coronavirus is ravaging America and black communities in particular.

But it is also why we don't have to worry about the US opening up too soon (Unless you live in Fla., SC, Miss., Ala., Ark., Louisiana, Tenn., Wisc., or anyplace with an FM country music station)
Donald Trump saying he's gonna "open up the country" means nothing. I opened up my bank account to deposits from the lottery. I opened up my phone lines to the Lakers' front office. I opened up my living room for a private Beyonce concert...

Guess what happened?
The same thing that happened when Jared Kushner was put in charge of "opening up" the Middle East— absolutely nothing.

So fret not... When Trump says we are "open for business," the only people who will listen is stupid people.
Luckily, most of those people already work for the Trump Administration.
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