I'm seeing alot of self proclaimed 'communists' praising the Islamic republic so here's a thread on the 1988 massacre of communist prisoners:
During the 5 months that the massacre took place Iranian communists from all parties were loaded on trucks took far from the cities and hanged in half hour intervals
The hangings weren't traditional hangings in which the neck would be broken, they were lifted with cranes to make sure they suffocated to death. It would take some 15 minutes of slowly suffocating until they finally died
Official estimates from government officials put the numbers around 4000 while if you cross reference the amount of people in mass graves and disappeared leftists and activists the number gets put more around 40,000
The entire process was so gruesome the second in command under Khomeini wrote him a letter saying
"Aleast order to spare women who have children ... the execution of several thousand prisoners in a few days will not reflect positively and will not be mistake-free ..."
"... A large number of prisoners have been killed under torture by interrogators ... in some prisons of the Islamic Republic young girls are being raped ... As a result of unruly torture, many prisoners have become deaf or paralysed or afflicted with chronic decease"
The massacre was so gruesome he became so opposed to Khomeini he was played on house arrest till he died
Communists would be taken to interrogation chambers were they'd be asked questions about how religious they and their families were and if they'd denounce and expose their comrades. One wrong answer ment death
Many of the dead had been tried and sentenced to prison terms during the early 1980s, many for non-violent offences such as distributing newspapers and leaflets, taking part in demonstrations or collecting funds for prisoners' families.
Many of the executed had been students in their teens or early twenties at the time of their arrest.
Geoffrey Robertson a UN judge has called the massacre "one of the worst single human rights atrocities since the Second World War." And has compared it to the genocide in Rwanda and the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans
The Iranian government still refuses to cooperate with international organizations and refuses even the slightest form of transparency about the massacre. To this day Iranian marxists, communists, syndicalist and labor activists face extreme torture and execution.
At first the government planned to shoot all the communists but they realized the sound if gunfire every 10 minutes was too public and garnered to much attention so they settled for slow hanging
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