Medical Specialties as Dog Breeds

1. General/Trauma Surg -> German Shepherds

Hardworking, sharp, and confident. Will save the day, dependable in crisis. Can be very intimidating but are friendly once you get to know them and very loyal.
2. Pediatrics -> Golden Lab

Extremely friendly, good with kids, and full of warm fuzzies.

Outgoing and energetic, can be a little overwhelming for more reserved individuals. Still beloved by all and will go to the ends of the earth for those they take care of.
3. Dermatology -> Saluki

Beautiful and aloof. Cannot be parted from creature comforts but are quite smart. Dignified, graceful, and committed to the aesthetic game.
Psychiatry -> Beagles

Amiable, even tempered and gentle. Thrives with people, is probably having a rough time in social isolation. Unflappable cheerleaders known for their generally cheerful disposition.
Ob/Gyn -> Cat people.
Internal Med -> Golden Retriever

All around dependable workhorse and fan favorite. Versatile, adaptable, and intelligent. Not always the flashiest but extremely reliable and affable. Loves people.
Pathology -> Chihuahua

Don’t get the respect or appreciation they deserve. If you come into their space suddenly and touch everything you’re gonna get barked at, but otherwise friendly. Sometimes eccentric. Devoted to their chosen field/family.
ER -> Saint Bernard

Will rescue anyone, anytime, anywhere. Works to exhaustion but sulks if left out of any fun. Tolerant and loving, referred to as saint for a reason. (May we suggest not skiing in a snow storm though?)
Ortho -> Husky

Most likely to get in trouble when bored. Super strong and super smart, they are also free-spirited and good natured. Natural athletes who won’t shy away from hard work and take deep pleasure in their purpose in life.
Plastics -> Poodle

Unfairly maligned breed who are actually wickedly smart and agile. Obsessed with appearance but generally sunny disposition. Can be excellent with children. Dignified and elegant.
Radiology -> Basset Hounds

Homebodies who are content to stay inside, no one is better at picking up something everyone else has missed to solve the puzzle and save the day. Indispensable. Frequently have a unique sense of humor and calm disposition.
Neurosurg -> Border Collie

Can work for days on end performing extremely complex tasks. Renowned for their intelligence but can be standoffish with strangers. Dependable and happiest when kept busy. Frequently leaves others in awe.
Family Med -> Corgi

If you don’t like a corgi there’s something wrong with you. Tenacious spirits that love and accept everyone. You won’t meet a friendlier breed anywhere. Great at troubleshooting and thinking outside of the box. Usually chatty and playful.
Urology -> Schnauzer

As high spirited as they are intelligent. Fun loving, strong willed and typically outgoing. While not the most common, they are simply adored by their fan base.
Anesthesia -> Jack Russell Terrier

Excels in short but extreme bursts of speed to catch small prey. Assertive and fearless, they are excellent at their niche. So intelligent it can be hard to keep up. Can count on them to get the job done. Occasionally feisty with other breeds.
PM & R -> Bulldog

Muscular powerhouse who still loves nothing more than a nap. Very people-oriented and courageous, and happiest when you’re thriving. Laidback & gregarious, plays well with others.
Ophthalmologists -> Eye dentists are a myth and you’ll never see one in real life. Unicorn.
I’ll try to come back for the specialties I missed (neuro, ENT) and fields stemming from IM tomorrow (nephro, cardio, geriatrics, etc) with a round 2 so let me know who still needs to be matched with their breed!!!
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