"...we will see more deaths because of social distancing."

Take a moment and watch Dr. Knut Wittkowski, former head of Rockefeller University's Dept of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Research Design.

or... here... I'll tell you the best quotes!
“People are trying to flatten the curve, but I don’t really know why. What happens when you flatten the curve is you also widen it, and it takes more time. I don’t see a good reason for a respiratory disease staying in the population for longer than necessary.”
Responding to the stat on 2 million people dying:

“I’m not paid by the government, so I’m entitled to actually do science. If the government had not intervened the epidemic would have been over, like every other respiratory disease epidemic.”
"There are no indications this flu is fundamentally different from any other flu. We know what happened to china, South Korea, Europe. There are no indications that anything is different from regular flu, although maybe it’s a bit worse than other flu, a little bit.”
I'm going for a walk after posting this cuz dang... “What happens with normal respiratory disease is that flu ends during spring, and people spend more time outdoors, because outdoors the viruses cannot easily spread. That is a form of containment—spending more time outdoors.”
Q:We have been told to stay indoors.
“Yes. It keeps the virus healthy. Going outdoors is what stops every respiratory disease.”
“Maybe we will see a total fewer number of cases, however, we will see more cases among the elderly because we have prevented the school children from creating herd immunity. In the end we will see more deaths... so we will see more deaths because of social distancing.”
Q: We keep hearing about the second wave coming in the fall
"Yes. If we had herd immunity now, there couldn’t be a second wave in the autumn.... The second wave is a direct consequence of social distancing.
Q: Should we tolerate this? Should we stand for staying in house arrest until April 30th?
"We should be resisting and we should *at least* hold our politicians responsible. We should have a discussion with our politicians."
" One thing we definitely need to do that would be safe and effective, is open the schools. Let the children spread the virus among themselves which is a necessity to get herd immunity. "
“Testing doesn’t stop anything by itself…If we do antibody testing (not testing for the virus), but if we do antibody testing, we can tell how close we are to herd immunity, and that could be useful. "
Q: Is this a pandemic?
“It’s a pandemic like it’s a pandemic every year.”

"People should talk with their politicians. Question them. Ask them to explain. If people don’t stand up for their rights, their rights will be forgotten.”

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