Training your vibration to be able to come back to your home frequency doesn’t mean you spiritually bypass or suppress your feelings.

It simply takes into account that the entire alchemical process of transmuting your emotions can happen quickly and skillfully.
People who have just newly discovered the importance of feeling your emotions are having huge epiphanies. And that’s wonderful. But a lot of what they talk about essentially comes down to advocating for spending way more time dwelling in dense emotions than is needed to heal them
Healing the emotional body is the majority of the work in my experience. It is also the most avoided in many cases. Many people focus on the mental body or the physical body but neglect emotions. I did the opposite. I focused my training primarily on learning the emotional body.
A huge misunderstanding is that the emotional body is only about feeling emotions. Its not. Because feeling is not only about emotions. It is about sensation and perception. This is super important to understand.
If you have a framework that feeling only gets translated through tracking emotions its natural to also believe that holding onto emotions(both yours and others) is the truest way to increase awareness. Not only is this false and unskilled. But this is what traps “Empaths”
The old belief system is that you have to allow emotions into your field in order to get a “read” or a feeling”. But you can skillfully feel, perceive, sense, track and know energy telepathically and with so many other types of extra sensory awareness.
Because I train Sensitive Intuitives, what I advocate for is to refine and train your gifts so you can decrease burnout, depletion and psychic contamination. Because the Sensitives nervous system and emotional body are their instrument they need to stay clear and finely tuned.
I mean, I did say this was important 😭
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