I try not to talk too much about the army - I don’t want to be That Guy - but I think I’ve learned some valuable tips to help everyone while they’re physically distancing, so

1. Hurry Up and Wait: a big part of our new daily routine is to just sit and wait. You don’t need to always be accomplishing something. Save your energy for when it’s needed. Because it will be.
2. When In Doubt, Rack Out: you’re probably sleeping more than usual. That’s okay. Again, you’re saving energy. And it beats the HELL out of pacing mindlessly to the fridge and back!
3. Don’t Neglect Your Physical Fitness: sure, you’re resting and storing energy, but spend a little time each day doing some kind of exercise. It’ll help with nervous energy, and it’s not like you don’t have time.
4. Hydrate: have you had enough water today? No. No you haven’t. Drink more water. Lastly;
Don’t Be a Buddy-Fucker: each and every one of us has a job, and that job is to look after every one else. Stay home, wash your hands, and remember why we’re all doing this. #FlattenTheCuve
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