Review of The Final Pagan Generation by Edward J Watts - Life in 4th Century Rome.
In the thread below, I shall share some of my reflections from this for Hindus
#1. The structure of our religions are very similar, something that was recognized by the author himself. This makes a comparison at least feasible.
#2. Human can live through a period of dramatic change that they may not anticipate nor fully understand as it unfolds. It requires imagination and a low time-preference.
Low time-preference is thus critical for success - many of the pagan elites were more concerned with their social network and jobs, and failed to recognize the threat facing them. They could not foresee the consequences of state policies.
#3 Pedigree matters. Church was able to gain more fame and resources by gaining pagan elite converts. We should get out of the underdog mode gradually and infiltrate academia, HR depts etc. We need role models across different walks of life to make it cool to be a H'tva-ite.
#4 No to complacency. The demise of pagans was more due to a culmination of many small stressors, than a discrete set of key events. This means that an average person's perception is probably a not good indicator of whether there is a problem or not.
For eg many people here talk about how temple control is unimportant or just an elite concern. Compare to policies of Gratian-didn't have much public resistance, only the elites of final pagan generation were concerned; yet these policies were critical to fall of the pagans.
#5 New threats demand new responses. You have to match tactics of your enemy. Focusing on legalism doesn't work when ur enemy is a loosely organized group of marauders, which the elites failed to recognize. This is y those who say Hism!=Htva are BS peddlers endangering our future
#6 In general, older generations are not well-equipped to deal with youth-driven counterculture, be that either 4th Century Xtian youth or 21st century wokes.
#7. Xtians did not have a blueprint on spreading their faith when Constantine took over. Instead, they were alert to changes in power and responded quicker to it, especially when Valentinian II took over. Similarly we should not obsess merely over top-down strategies.
#8. Social media has been a boon for us. We have been able to keep track of the smallest of changes, and assess our enemies more clearly. With the pagans, their education system made them aloof from anti-pagan policies formed by their emperors.
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