Are you really trying to minimize China's culpability in this because Trump?

I don't care if you impeach him again once this is over but do not let your disdain for the president lead you to forget where this actually started, and whose lies made it a worldwide pandemic.
Trump is erratic, impulsive and completely unable to accept blame for anything. Even if he is absolutely everything you hate about him, that should not lead you to the point where you're willing to exonerate the evil communist leaders of the country where this pandemic started.
COVID-19 started in China. It has killed more citizens of that country than their government is willing to admit. The communists in charge of that country have lied and lied about that because that's what communists do.
Anyone willing to overlook the evils of actual communists because they hate the guy who's currently president is unworthy of your attention. I don't like Trump, but I really, really hate communists.
This pandemic is the fault of the Chinese Communist Party. We should punish them as harshly as possible once this is over. Anyone who tries to minimize the CCP's role in this for partisan gain should be the object of ridicule and scorn.
China's government (and the World Health Organization) said they had the virus under control. Shocker. They lied:
What the actual hell is wrong with China apologists in the media?
Just a thought, @monacharenEPPC. Trump says a lot of stupid things, but blaming China for this is not one of them. Please take a few moments to set aside your dislike of the man to consider the reality of what brought us here.
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