New law would establish a $4.5 trillion corporate bailout fund of which $425 billion of that can be leveraged 10 times over by the Federal Reserve, resulting in a multi-trillion-dollar program.
The bill permits bailed out companies to lay off up to 10% of their workforce over the next six months and after 6 months there are no restrictions to the number of employees they can lay off.
The bill’s restrictions on stock buybacks at bailed-out firms are too temporary to be significant. Bailed out companies could even pay dividends to their shareholders.

Bailout money will flow to the shareholders of large corporations, otherwise known as rich people.
The oversight terms that Democrats secured are purely cosmetic, replicating the toothless provisions of the 2008 bank bailout that enabled watchdogs to report abuse but not actually prevent or rectify it.
“It is a panicked and reckless legislative response,” Sarah Miller, executive director of the American Economic Liberties Project, It’s one that “will repeat most of the mistakes made in the 2008-2010 bailouts” and “fundamentally transform the American economy,”
“$1,200 isn’t enough,” the Economic Security Project, a liberal think tank, tweeted on Wednesday. By agreeing to the deal, Senate Democrats in effect accept a horrendous future in exchange for a somewhat less burdensome present.
There is, in fact, an economic emergency right now — just not for the super rich or massive conglomerates.
The Federal Reserve announced 
essentially unlimited support for the banking sector and, for the first time, used its authority to directly finance corporate debt.
Unnecessary Corporate Welfare

The American labor worker - tax payer gets screwed over by our corrupt politicians who care only for wall street and not the American people who will struggle to provide food & shelter for their family as layoff continue.
The stimulous package will do nothing to help with the Coronavirus disaster. It mobilizes no new resources, organizes no production, improves no medical supply delivery and trains no new nurses, it does however......
Move an enormous amount of money around while putting the Trump administration in charge of its movement...the same man Democrats said they wanted to empeach for abusing the public purse for personal political gain.

These people do not represent us!
#Stimulus #Bailout

Americans working class continues to get screwed over by the corrupt system. We need to abolish the #FederalReserve
#CoronaVirus #COVID19 #Stimulus

The government shut down places of employment, gave some Americans a 1200 dollar check, then forgot about the millions still out of work, many who are not receiving unemployment while they continue to bailout the rich.

While Congress is busy bailing out Corporate America and passing Bill's for Israel... Americans who were FORCED out of work by our government officials are now being evicted from their homes.
#WallStreet #COVID19

The #BailOut plan was rolled out in August 2019 at the G7 summit of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming – months before the public was aware of any financial crisis.

"We now understand why, for the first time in history, the US Congress handed over $454 billion of taxpayers’ money to the Fed, without any meaningful debate, to eat losses on toxic assets produced by the Wall Street banks it supervises. "
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