#GeorgeOrwell wrote 1984 (pub. 1949) under the strong influence of recently defeated fascism & still rampant Soviet communism. He could hardly have imagined how #BigBrother would embrace #LiberalDemocracy, #AntiFascism & #AntiRacism in the West, but this is what happened.
Jonah Goldberg, @JonahDispatch, in his book #LiberalFascism, goes some way towards recognising the fascist origins of progressivism (or should I say, the progressive aspects of fascism?), but not nearly far enough. The Orwellian nature of DIVERSITY goes unmentioned.
Big Brother imposed the madness of mass immigration & the ideology of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY on the West as an instrument of socio-political intimidation & control. The ideology goes to the opposite, but equally insane, extremes of Nazi racial ideology.
It began as an understandable overreaction to Nazi racial ideology, esp. its notion of #RacialPurity, which it replaced with the opposite notion of #RacialMixing, which it became a moral imperative to encourage & celebrate. Any dissension being vilified & suppressed as RACIST.
The Nazis manipulated & exploited human, i.e. German, tribalism for their own evil purposes, in overreaction to which academics (incl. many traumatised Jews) demonised human tribalism itself, thereby weaponising it as an instrument of socio-political intimidation & control.
Human tribalism & its associated prejudices/racisms, nativism & xenophobia has become a modern, secular replacement for #OriginalSin, which only submission to the authority & ideology of #BigBrother & is minions can save us from eternal damnation for.
Eternal damnation, not as heathens or heretics, as in the past, but as bigots, nativists, xenophobes or racists.

Original sin, remember, was disobedience of divine (i.e. priestly) authority & ideology. Big Brother & his minions have been with us for a very long time.
The main source of Big Brother's power in intimidating & controlling society lies in his claim to moral authority. We see it in the ancient Hebrew (&, no doubt, every other) priesthood & in the medieval church. We see it in communist dictatorships, Islam, AND . . .
. . . #LiberalDemocracies, where the ideology is that of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY, which goes to the opposite, but equally insane extremes of Nazi racial ideology.

Anyone opposing or even questioning this ideology is accused of racism & hatred towards minorities.
Liberal democracies, like Britain & America, are in many respects liberal & democratic (& I'm thankful for it), but not in respect to the ideology of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY, in regard to which they're illiberal & authoritarian, suppressing any dissent as racist.
The ideology of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY plays the same power-political role that medieval church ideology did: anyone opposing it is in league with the Devil.

Q. Why has this not been recognised?

A. The moral authority of Big Brother, & Orwellian #doubethink.
BB & his minions want everyone to believe (& no doubt believe themselves) that any opposition to THEIR anti-fascism & anti-racism is, by definition, sympathetic towards fascism & racism, if not outright fascist & racist. Like the medieval clergy, they act as moral supremacists.
Q. How did Big Brother succeed in acquiring so much moral authority?

A. By deceitfully posing as our nation, with the backing of academic (formerly priestly) authority.

We are naturally inclined to submit to the authority of our tribal/national leaders & priesthood.
Big Brother always seeks to claim the moral high ground for himself & his minions, embracing every noble cause that comes along, with his minions often going to ridiculous extremes, as, for example, with most anti-fascist, anti-racist &, more recently, transgender activists.
Minions of Big Brother are the inmates who have not just taken over the asylum, but the whole bloody country, including the BBC, decades ago, which has long been pumping out his ideology of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY.
These inmates & minions of Big Brother do not realise themselves that this is what they are. They believe themselves to be the good guys, helping to keep the evil forces of human tribalism (nationalism, nativism, xenophobia, prejudice, racism, antisemitism, etc.) at bay.
The eminent, liberal, #OrwellPrize-winning journalist, David @DAaronovitch, is one of their number. He'd be horrified, I'm sure, if he realised it, but he doesn't. Instead, he has me marked out as a racist for failing to identify with multi-racial Britain as my nation.
I feel like the child who pointed out that the Emperor was naked (that Britain is not a nation, but Big Brother), but instead of others seeing what I do, they all glare at me with hatred in their eyes. The Emperor & his entourage notice nothing, but just carry on as normal.
And I'm left standing here, wondering if perhaps it isn't me, after all, who is mad.

I don't think so. But standing alone can be stressful & disheartening at times. If anyone would like to support me & my cause, I recently signed up to Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4988886 
Challenging state & academic authority is problematical, to say the least, but this is what I am doing. Obviously, I can't do it on my own, & it is not just financial support I need. I need academic & moral support. If you have any to offer, please get in touch.
You can follow @rogerahicks.
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