Anointing One’s House: About a year ago I was in the middle of the worst spiritual battle of my life. My job, not supposed to have travel, had me in Germany 2 wks a month, I lost 2 of my dogs I raised, grandmother was in hosptice, my dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer.
Not to mention my marriage was in an upheaval. I honestly felt like Job; but like him, I leaned into the Lord and said “this is all yours, cause I can’t get thru it without you.” During that time, a friend of mine suggested I anoint my house with oil - I thought they were nuts.
Now, I know what some of you are thinking “Monkey, you have lost your mind”... but hear me out, because I am going to share with you the prayer I used, and tell you what happened after I “cleaned” my house.
The day I did this, I had objects knock themselves off shelves onto bibles, random growls & my wife was physically attacked on her leg under her scrubs - still has the scar. Had I not seen it firsthand, I would never believe it. It took two times to “clear” my house.
So, if you are still with me and you want to clean your own home, here is what you need to do. First and foremost, I recommend you prayer over yourself and anyone with you Ephesians 3:14 and then Ephesians 6:10. Anoint your head(s) with oil including your pets for protection.
Next: in each room, open every cabinet, door, box, etc. basically, anything something can hide inside; then open one door in your house to the outside (exit). Then, room by room repeat it with this prayer
Now, take the abointing oil on your finger and rub it on the top of every window and doorframe in that room - You can now close everything up in that room and move to the next. Any object stood out to you that you felt needed to go (like a gifted item or idol) get rid of it.
Once you have done this in every room. You will now find a place in the center of your home and speak this...
Even after tweeting this, only parts of the thread posted. Which I had to repost!
these angel clouds (and hand) have been over and around my house almost daily since I did this the first time... i have hundreds of pics like this. Love to hear your testimony via DM if you experience similar things after doing it.
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