Goodbye Jeremy Corbyn. They said you don't have an antisemitic bone in your body. That may be true, but your brain is full of it. Can we remember all the examples? Probably not but I'll have a go /1
Your appetite for conspiracy theories about Israeli hidden hands and false flags and tails wagging dogs /5
Your obsession with the power and influence of Jewish newspapers and your call for a public inquiry into the "pro-Israel lobby" /6
Complaining that the BBC is biased "towards saying... Israel has a right to exist". Because Israel's existence is such a terrible thing, right? /11
Calling Hamas and Hizbollah "friends" while sitting next to a Hizbollah supporter who had published Holocaust denial cartoons, and then saying complaints about antisemitism are "nonsense" /12
Complaining that a "brother" from Hamas who helped to organise the suicide bombing of a cafe in Jerusalem was put in prison and going to Doha to meet him and the other "brothers" when they were released /13
These are all things you said and did yourself. Thoughts that live in your head, words that came from your mouth and actions by your own hand. I'm sure there are more that I've forgotten /16
I haven't even got on to all the antisemites, terrorists and conspiracy cranks you have met, spoken alongside, praised and encouraged /17
This is your shameful legacy as you leave office: you were once a famous anti-racist, now you are the man who led the Labour Party into an EHRC investigation for discriminating against Jews. Goodbye. And don't mention Cable Street ever again. /End
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