Watched Eyes Wide Shut carefully again last night, and WHAT A FILM.

Deep themes of repressed sexuality, occult influence, elite power, and subconscious desire.

Light ’spoilers’, but this is a film you can watch 100 times and will be different with each viewing.

Our first visual is Alice, Nicole Kidman in her prime, disrobing to reveal her perfect body. A real woman at the height of her power, which every healthy man on Earth would desire.

All the women in this film have impeccable bodies, lust for them is a driving force.
We cut to her peeing on the toilet and her husband Bill (Tom Cruise) entering the bathroom chatting idly as she gets up to wipe her pussy and they both get ready for a party…two normal married people doing normal married people things in a very nice upper class Manhattan home.
They arrive at a Christmas party attended by wealthy New Yorkers, the couple doesn’t really know anyone there, but Bill is an established doctor in the city and loosely associated with the host.

He believes this is the real upper echelon of society.
Bill still has the typical arrogant American med school frat-boy mind—he’s charming, great at his job, thinks he has everything figured out, flashes his fake smile, and tells an old college buddy he hasn’t seen in 10 years “You haven’t changed a bit!” like thats a good thing.
Alice is a failed art curator turned bored housewife and she craves stimulation, new experiences, emotional soul-stirring--which she hasn’t had in years, and she decides to get drunk and wander around the party by her beautiful self.
The party scene is surreal, rife with pagan occult symbolism disguised as Christmas decorations, and when the couple separates, they are faced with immediate temptation.

Temptation too well designed to be real.
Alice is bored, sucking down champagne, and is approached by a sophisticated man who defies all social conventions, desires her, and sweeps her on to the dance floor whispering perfect words.

*notice during the dance/convo exactly when occult signs on the wall appear for clues.
At the same time, Bill is approached by two models who immediately THROW themselves at him and encourage a threesome—they literally take him by the arms and begin leading him to a private room while talking about sex, which they say is the ‘end of the rainbow’ (important).
Everything is too perfect, both Alice and Bill are being seduced through scenarios which never happen in real life--Men aren't ever this smooth and gorgeous women don't thrown themselves at strangers.

But they are naive as can be.

Right as Bill unconsciously makes the decision to enter the room for a threesome with the girls, he is summoned upstairs by the host of the party, so he goes.

And he is involved in a fucked up dilemma exactly like you would think Epstein would be involved in.

Its the first time Bill is exposed to what is really going on behind the scenes of a seemingly normal 'high end' Christmas Party.
The couple goes home, gets high, and Alice reveals a shadow side of her personality Bill has never fathomed.

She admits to fantasies about another man, an overwhelming urge to be fucked by someone else who desires her, ready to throw everything away for one night of adultery.
Bill is all logic, with no understanding of the female psyche, he takes her fantasy personally and can’t see that her desire to cheat stems from his own blindness.

He denies his own sexuality, rationalizes emotion, and believes his own lies.

His Eyes are Wide Shut.
As Alice reveals her desire, her deepest thoughts--all through her pulsing id which cuts like a blade, she is physically framed by a door and backed by a blue light.

Notice this color of light throughout the film and when it is used--the blue glow of the subconscious.
Bill is interrupted, right as his tracked mind begins to go off the rails after hearing the revelation of his wife.

He goes out into the early morning streets of the Village in 1990s NYC to ponder.

And these scenes could only take place on the streets of unpredictable New York
Bill begins to break his conformist way of being and stumbles down a few different rabbit holes of late NYC opportunity.

He gets himself the address to a underground elite ‘party’ where passwords are needed to get in, and a costume is required.
At 2am he goes to a costume shop called ‘Rainbow’ and tries to use his “I’m a doctor" credentials to get in (he flashes his medical card throughout the film believing it grants him special privileges, but no one gives a shit).

He's an absolute nobody to most.
The owner of the Rainbow, who holds the costumes required to get in the party, finds his 14 year old daughter having sex with two old men.

Because the men are midget-sized, Chinese, and wear makeup, the scene seems to be funny.

My first reaction was to laugh.
Kubrick fucks with the audience here, we observe a heinous act involving child sex-slavery, and instead of being absolutely repulsed, it is shot in such a way that instead we laugh.

Americans are notorious for turning perversions into normalcy through 'funny' exposure.
Bill gets to the party and things become real. Cloaked men are observing a magic ritual involving a circle of stunning women being offered as sexual slaves.

The masks are on, but the true desires of these people are manifested in an orgy they observe with intense relish.
Bill is behind the veil and wants a part of it, but he is exposed as an intruder and told to never speak or inquire about what he has witnessed.

This is the realm of power, the realm of truth about dark desires

“once a promise has been made here, there is no turning back.”
Bill ignores the command and fishes for clues, he realizes how little he matters and how manipulated he can be--they control everything: newspapers, streets, who can work, who can be safe or harmed.

Epstein bluntly tells him all this because he is one who knows everything.
When Bill returns home to his wife and she has found the mask he wore to the party...on his pillow she is sleeping next to.

He breaks down as the mental mask he has worn his entire life comes off, and confesses to her until sunrise as she takes it in with red eyes and smoke.
The couple seems to return back to normality, goes Christmas shopping, oblivious to occult symbolism embedded in the capitalism surrounding them (“magic circle” toys, their childs desire to consume, more occult signs, overstimulation, etc).
A wall has been broken through between the couple, and Alice recognizes what they have to do in order to bridge the gap which has formed over the years.

She’s lucid, the psychologically stronger one, now unafraid of her fears and confusion.
She says what they must do in one of the most poignant concluding statements on film.

An answer to many problems between men and women, words at the core of great art, words which are misunderstood and joked at by polite society.

I won't tell you them, go watch it yourself 😇
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