Thread/rant on why Manchester City players are always under appreciated and underrated
City fans are generally too unbiased and don’t have a problem with admitting rival players are better. Our fan base is already smaller than the clubs we compete with which is why our players don’t win individual awards and are underrated by the media and general public.
i understand us as a fan base grew up with much lower standards than United, Liv, etc but if our fan base doesn’t start to understand the talent we’ve had over the last decade and back our players even off form then our players won’t be remembered and have the legacy they deserve
that includes players like Kompany Silva Kün Yaya and it will happen with current players if our fan base doesn’t start to be more biased like rival fans. Hart was the best keeper ITL for 3 years but thats an unpopular opinion even though it should be common knowledge
but it’s forgotten how good he actually was. Most days on twitter i have arguments AGAINST city fans trying to prove that our players are better than other. yesterday i was arguing that Ederson was a top 4 keeper in the world and City fans flooded the tweet saying he was shit
That should be certain he’s top 4 and because our fan base is so reactionary and the most recent performance they remember is the game against united they’ve forgotten how world class he’s been over the last 3 years and how he’s played a HUGE role in our success
Half our fan base wants Sterling to go. 25 year old Raheem Sterling who puts up numbers near Messi and with the best strikers in the world and has done nothing but amazing things for us and half our fan base hates him.
Trying to argue with rival fans that our players are better than others is near impossible because of how City fans underrate our own players. Most rival fans base their opinion of rival players off of what that fan base says about their players
Of course everyone is gonna think ederson or sterling or jesus is shit because THEIR OWN FANS have the most reactionary opinion when they have a poor game and disregard all the good they’ve done. There is absolutely no reason why Aguero should never have been near the balon dor
One of the best strikers in the world for a decade and arguable for many of those years “the best” and he’s never even been TOP 10 for balon d’or... TOP 10 FFS. Arguably the best PL striker of all time has less Top 10 balon d’or appearances than Jamie Vardy.
David Silva talent wise is way closer to Xavi and Iniesta than most think but because he’s been a Man City player for most of his career and didn’t make a move to Barca he gets compared to players like Alonso and Mata when in reality he was much better than that.
Like how is our own Manc talent this good yet all rival fans still think Martinelli or Greenwood are better because they scored a couple goals against farmers. It’s honestly embarrassing how bad we are at hyping our own players even if Foden doesn’t play as much as he should
Hopefully this changes over the years and as the fan base grows globally but our players will never get the recognition they deserve unless our fan base backs our own players at all costs. Not even asking us to be idiotic, just a more biased fan base and less reactionary
also wanna add we wouldnt be where we are without selfless superstars like aguero, silva, yaya, KDB. all couldve left and won countless individual awards but theyve stayed b/c they love the club and fans. we can’t bash other players like Sane for wanting to leave and chase that
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