"Psychopathy is a structure based on primitive drives with a strong integrative force, and with intelligence in the service of those drives.
A psychopath is emotionally rigid and narrow. He has strong ambitions and significant talents, but they remain narrow and under the influence of primitive drives. He does not experience inner conflicts, but instead he creates external ones.
He is not capable of empathy, and so he strives to gain control over others, or, before he can gain dominance, he submits to the control of others. He is usually deaf and blind to the problems of others, to their development and developmental difficulties.
He relentlessly realizes his own goals. A psychopath exists on the level of primary integration and is emotionally stunted.
We can distinguish “small” and “big” psychopaths. We find the big ones among the most notorious world criminals, and among aggressive tyrants and dictators (e.g., Nero, Hitler), who do not hesitate to sacrifice others for their own goals.
For a big psychopath, a person and a social group do not have any moral value. To him, rules of justice do not exist. Genocide or a concentration camp are not a moral problem for him, but a means to an end.
Small psychopaths are miniatures of the big ones. In general, they submit to big psychopaths in the right circumstances. A small psychopath looks for opportunities to realize his own interests, and to satisfy his desire to wreak havoc in society.
A psychopath thinks that laws are to be broken and that they do not apply to him. He uses any circumstances to secure his position, money, and fortune, regardless of the consequences for others, without any consideration for ethical norms.
Psychopaths do not know how to emotionally compare themselves with others, they cannot emotionally understand others, and they lack an empathic attitude.
Psychopaths are dynamic individuals, efficient, capable of making quick decisions, without hesitation or inhibition; they do not exhibit emotional or imaginational overexcitability, or intellectual overexcitability of a global character.
They're usually incapable of retrospection & their abilities for prospection're used to foster their narrow goals & ambitions. They do not apply self-control, are incapable of self-criticism, but show the capacity to skillfully control & realize their purposes, plans & programs.
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