So Friday afternoon Goldman announces that their CEO, of a company that really should no longer exist, got a 20% raise to $27.5M, during an existential national crisis that will certainly involve taxpayers bailing out his company for the 2nd time in 12 years. @GoldmanSachs $GS
"For years there was an allergy at Goldman Sachs to owning a private corporate jet...bankers...didn’t want to erode their less-than-stellar image on Main Street with the unnecessary extravagance of having their own. Until David Solomon took over"

F**k $GS 
"Even among other top Wall Street banks, Mr Solomon’s 2019 pay rise, which includes a $7.65m cash bonus, stands out." $GS

"All of them made generationally rich from stock-based compensation in a company where the government guarantees their success" - BH 
Where are violent, heavily-armed Federal officers when you need 'em? 
Where's DJ D-Sol's mask? Why is no one in the Winklevoss pod wearing a mask?

It's almost as if there are different rules based on net worth.
If they can put away David Solomon for this it'd be like getting Capone for tax evasion. $GS 
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