1. It's going to be BIBLICAL.

I guarantee you the end if this thread will BLOW YOUR MIND.

I've been watching Australia and New Zealand since Q first brought them up. We learned that these countries belong to 5Eyes, assisting in the illegal spying operation against Donald Trump.
2. So what countries make up the 5Eyes intelligence group? Well, there's actually six now. But, it used to be Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Today, it's now called 5Eyes plus Denmark.

In this thread we'll be focusing on Australia and New Zealand.
3. I ended up writing numerous threads on the drops that Q gave about both New Zealand and Australia. You should know, those countries are separate and Australia does not control New Zealand despite popular misconceptions. New Zealand is a Sovereign Nation.
4. Despite the fact that they do not have intertwining governments, they are very closely related among the people. Residents of both countries often own property in the other country and often visit the other country. There is a very close-knit history between them.
5. I'm going to give you every thread I've written about these 2 countries. There is an immense amount of information here. The biggest takeaway is Q says that the Deep state will end up running to those two countries to hide when all of this goes down. Please read to the end!
6. When we started digging early on we found out that the Clinton Foundation, the Podesta group and numerous Hollywood movie stars have purchased large sections of property there. The Deep State has infected their governments and began rendering them to a liberal nature.
7. Before we kick this off you should know that Australia and New Zealand are two of the largest sex trafficking hubs in the world and they are also the most direct locations to fly to Antarctica. I'm sure most of you remember threads on things going on under the "down under"!
8. As you read these threads understand that as time went by and as information was discovered my knowledge and my sharing it with you grew and developed. So, you may read things in more recent threads that differ slightly from older ones because of increase of information.
9. This single post was something I wrote when we realized that a lot of deep State actors had stopped posting on social media during December 2018. Perhaps somebody thought that things were going down and fled during that period? https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1078250294289387520?s=19
10. This thread was on Q drop number seven, my attempt to decode some of the stuff that was being said and provide Anons with information. Post number 13 in this thread discusses five eyes, Australia and New Zealand. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1089838967019646976?s=19
11. This thread is where connections and correlations really start to be made. Four days before the Christchurch New Zealand mosque shooting, which may or may not have been real, John podesta tweeted he was running along the Yarra River in Australia. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1106524961512910848?s=19
12. The truly creepy thing is podesta had spoken previously about how "juicy" of a target that New Zealand was. He made the statement and many Anons jumped on it. Then, 50 something people are killed in a mass shooting as podesta was visiting close by? https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1107172462637117441?s=19
13. Take note, the New Zealand shooter claimed in his Manifesto that he had neither intended to carry out this attack in New Zealand or carry out the attack when he did. He said "the group" agreed to move it up and to change the location. He never articulated who "the group" was.
14. That thread was heavily suppressed by Twitter and many anons who wrote about that story found their threads being deleted or messed up by Twitter's algorithms. Just in case, here's a post with the thread reader link to that thread. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1107172462637117441?s=19
15. This Thread was written about several Q drops and investigated why the US military would be in New Zealand on a training exercise, assisting a private Aerospace group in launching US military satellites into orbit. This one will knock your socks off. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1125373254036623362?s=19
16. A single post with a report of mass immigration into Australia. What happens when immigrants are allowed to invade a country? Targets for trafficking are made numerous and property values drop which makes buying up property much easier and cheaper. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1146391006872387584?s=19
17. I brought you an exclusive story due to the fact that I had very limited but good sourced knowledge about a major arrest that was going to go down in Brazil...before it happened. What ended up being learned after that operation was a MASSIVE treasure trove of information.
18. There were a few Anons, one in particular, accusing me of making something out of nothing. I wrote this thread in response to that jerk that tried to say that these arrests were useless and of no value. They in fact had major connections to worldwide crime syndicates.
19. The 2 men arrested are from the 'Ndrangheta crime cartel/mafia out of Italy. They are THE BIGGEST cocaine traffickers in the world. And, the 'Ndrangheta crime family has been laundering money through the Vatican for decades. This was unknown to Anons until I posted my thread.
20. And, wouldn't you know it! The Vatican was running that crime family's laundered money through their banks in Australia! In addition to that, we found out that the Vatican had been running 'Ndrangheta laundered money through many American Banks as well!
21. But, what may have been most disturbing is third in command of the Vatican, Cardinal Pell, several years earlier had mysteriously been charged and convicted and turned over by the Vatican to Australian police for bogus child molestation claims from over 20 years earlier.
22. With the only victim reversing his accusations before the trial started, it was obviously a setup from the beginning. Why would they do that? Because Cardinal Pell had just discovered that the Vatican was laundering 'Ndrangheta crime family money through Australia!
23. Remember, this thread cites my original thread on these arrests in post #2. This link here is the thread in response to the foolish bully who was hassling me. Make sure you read the actual story to get the entire info and all the supporting articles. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1148795816733106176?s=19
24. This Thread is all about the red carpet welcome that Donald Trump put out to Australia's prime minister when they came to visit the White House. You'll also see several Q drops touched on and discussed. Quite a bit of information here. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1175280387704012800?s=19
25. In this thread I revisited the arrests from the 'Ndrangheta mafia. This is what I meant when I said I had updated information while revisiting older threads.

This thread talks about who all is involved with crime family money.

(This is not the end!) https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1179373900821667840?s=19
47. Think of everything that I’ve written. But most of all I want you to think about the fact that these similarities tied together so well and help to prove the truly demonic and evil allegiance The Deep State cabal maintains.

God bless you guys,


27. This post is really only interesting to me because of the symbolism and similarities. During Obama’s tenure, as 44th President of the United States, it just so happens that Australia was also in their 44th administration.


What does all this mean?
28. What could be the connection between Australia and New Zealand and the Deep state cabal? Well, besides what I’ve already said, it’s important to understand how history shows these people going country to country...
29. ...establishing banking systems and influencing their governments. They set up their own liberal agendas that facilitate easy access to innocent children and allow for shipping of trafficking of goods and people. But, is there something more Sinister?
30. Is there an ancient history that ties into this? There just might be!

I started this thread telling you it’s going to be BIBLICAL.

On the southernmost tip of the southern island of New Zealand there is an icon known to Tourists who've visited New Zealand and Australia.
31. It’s called, the Wanaka tree. Nobody knows where it came from nobody knows how it grew and it has become a sort of Mecca 4 visitors to the southern hemisphere. You must understand that there is a very real religion, almost cult that follows this tree.
32. Apparently on Instagram there are millions of photographs from visitors and tourists who have made the extra special trip to go down and photograph themselves or the amazing and beautiful sunsets with #ThatWanakaTree. It evens has it's own geolocation on Google maps!
33. The word Wanaka is where I’m going with this. It actually comes from the region where the tree is located. The tree is actually in the water, several meters offshore. You actually have to walk through the water to get to it. It’s out in the bay.

34. The idea that this tree was able to grow up from under the water and emerge and grow 15 to 20 feet above the water is somewhat dumbfounding. Again, there is only speculation of how this tree actually begin to grow.
35. Nobody knows for certain what exactly led to this tree growing where it is. Again though, it’s the name of the tree that is truly interesting. The Wanaka tree was named after the region that it resides in. The proper spelling has been changed over time.
36. That Wanaka region was named after a Maori Chief named Anaka. That Chief was named after the ancient people that occupied that region. His name had also been changed slightly to make it match their dialect, the original name of that region was Anaka.

37. Wanaka was from Oanaka which is from Akaka. And, it literally means "The place of Anaka".

You ready for this? Anaka is a Hebrew word that is used in the Bible. In its original form, it was Anakim. Anybody know where this is going?
38. If you know about the origins of the Hebrew people and the land of Canaan, you know immediately that the name Anakim is incredibly meaningful.

You guys are not going to believe this. The Anakim were part of the race of giants, the extremely evil culture called Nephilim.
39. The Anakim occupied the land of Canaan before the Israelites were given the order by God to go into their promised land and wipe out the evil and demon worshiping, human sacrificing, sexually deviant Giants...the Anakim, the Canaanites, the amorites.

40. Do you understand what this means? The cabal, the Deep State, the most evil people in our society are moving their demon worshiping, child sacrificing families and friends to a region that is named after a very evil people, some of the most evil people in Biblical history.
41. Now here’s the kicker, I wrote a thread that details the similarities between Jeffrey Epstein’s Temple and the history of where his design came from and who was responsible for it and how their actions pattern the Canaanites and amorites.
42. I showed how their sacrificial system and the demon god that they worship, moloch, has been the focus of secret society worshiping for thousands of years. Here's that thread. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1154352780611444737?s=19
43. And here we are, with yet another fact the ties this group into the Canaanite an Amorite background. You guys, this is no coincidence.

Now, guess what happened? On March 18th, 2020, somebody has gone to the Wanaka tree and CUT OFF the lower limbs and dragged them to shore.
44. There is apparently a worldwide outrage that somebody did this. I wasn’t kidding with you when I told you there is millions of people in a cult following regarding this tree. The fact is, somebody came in and cut the bottom limbs from this tree.
46. The fact that somebody cut these limbs off may be a huge and significant piece of symbolism. If this tree truly represents the Anakim and it’s ancestry to these deep State cabalists, having this tree desecrated and vandalized in this manner could be absolutely huge!
47. Think of everything that I’ve written. But most of all I want you to think about the fact that these similarities tied together so well and help to prove the truly demonic and evil allegiance The Deep State cabal maintains.

God bless you guys,


P. S. This discovery of Anakim history may help explain why the Giants of New Zealand were there after all. Remember these?

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