Staggering layoffs => People lose their health insurance in the middle of a country's worst public health crisis. Linking jobs to healthcare was core part of post-WW2 domestic arrangement in US (unlike Europe). Sanders right to demand emergency change #M4A
The Real Pandemic Danger Is Social Collapse ht @BrankoMilan
"If more people emerge from the current crisis with neither money, nor jobs, nor access to health care, and if these people become desperate and angry... "
Radical proposals are mainstream now as elites aren't just frightened of disease spreading rapidly if masses aren't paid to stay indoors (to take 1 example). Rather they are frightened of what might happen if they don't.

Sovereignty is shaped from below, & through 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳.
Hamptons - the home of the wealthiest Americans - are lowlying beaches connected by a single bridge. They are not a defensible position. "No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main...".
Crisis exposed "complete lack of assets in the hands of ordinary people that they can fall back on in moments of crisis. This is a time to begin to rebuild those assets, make our society less fragile". Class war will explode, unless... @mkblyth @ericlonners
"The US, with its 330 million people, 270 million handguns, 80 million hourly workers with no statutory sick pay,& 28 million medically uninsured, faces challenges quite unlike those in other countries"- @MkBlyth
Americans bought an extra ONE million guns😮
"US may end up in a much worse place than other, poorer countries. Its extreme neoliberal policies of the past 4 decades have weakened its public health system...Laissez-Faire, in the extreme, means Laissez-Mourir (let die)" ht @jacob_assa
"This is an economic meltdown. Millions of Americans have no food in the pantry to feed their kids. No money for rent. Can't pay their mortgage, student debt, or medical bills...We need to get help to our people NOW" -Sanders relief
US last year had 330 million people, 270 million handguns, 80 million hourly workers w no sick pay, & more than half without a college degree

US after Corona Crash has ~20% unemployment & rising from bottom to top half. Social explosion... ht @DougHenwood
The bottom has fallen out of US jobs. @BrankoMilan on danger of social collapse: "If more people emerge from the current crisis with neither money, nor jobs, nor access to health care, & if these people become desperate and angry"
The level of anger at racial injustice, recession & elite betrayal is only going to surge amongst Americans going into November elections. "As federal support payments dry up & personal savings are exhausted" Trump is pouring fuel on fire. ht @stephenWalt
By November elections, US projected to have close to 7 Million cases (detecting roughly 1 in 5 infections, so thats 35 million infected americans. And joblessness only grows. Health insurance problem needs a solution before then.
Millions of U.S. households are facing desperate crises. If extension of unemployment insurance & moratoriums on evictions aren't pursued, the country is on brink of socio-economic explosion. ht @NathanTankus
Between 1 in every 4 to 1 in 2 US renter households are at risk of eviction. US govt has provided bridge-financing for every corporate entity but not yet for ppl's rents. This is playing with fire.
US heading straight into revolution territory. Housing, health, jobs the new peace, land, bread.
3 cascades: A public health disaster, economic collapse, & social crisis. "At the root of all these problems is the failure of the American state – weakened by decades of elite criminality and neglect – to provide the necessities of life for its people."
The fundamental lesson of a war economy is that elites & masses must sacrifice equally. Taxing excess profits, wage floors, & price controls help establish a sense of fairness. This is set up for social explosion. ht @anticartelhist
"It is not an easy time to be an American. Thanks to the pandemic, fires, hurricanes, smoke, the high-profile police violence, the nationwide protests... rarely have Americans felt more fragmented, isolated, confused, frightened, embattled, & unsafe"
"Covid-19 recession is the most unequal in modern US history". Some people,after massive govt help are watching assets appreciate & do home renovations. Others are struggling to find work & feed their families.
Great report ht @byHeatherLong @andrewvandam
US imposes terrible pain & hardship to families as relief runs out. Last week was 34th straight week total initial unemployment claims were far greater than the worst week of the Great Recession. 12 million ppl lost health insurance
21/ “The result is a growing subset of Americans who are stealing food to survive....
... Meanwhile, an estimated 54 million Americans will struggle with hunger this year, a 45 percent increase from 2019, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture”
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