I have been looking over Q drops a lot lately and this one has resonated with me, so I wanted to share! The headline isn’t what caught my attention. Look at the content of this drop.
2/ We have been here night and day since either late October when the first drops appeared or early November, digging, researching, crying, praying, sharing what we find and learning, or rather RE-learning, the truth.

It wasn’t by chance that any of us happened upon Q!

We each must have been equipped with the skillset for God to use us in this time of REVELATION. And it has really been a HELL we’ve all gone through as we discovered the complete horrid atrocities that have gone on for centuries on this planet.
4/ At each step, we were reminded to ARMOR UP with the Armor of God because this was going to take all we had to endure and come out of it to see the finish line.

We are now on the precipice of that and we KNOW GOD WINS! We have always knew it, but we KNOW it because we have
5/ watched as this AWAKENING has not only drawn us closer to God, but it has also brought those who chose not to believe to a place they could no longer deny HIM!

So, as we get ready for what I believe is the BIG push to a new beginning, I want you all to know you were CHOSEN!
6/ Find comfort in knowing we have been trusted to do this and this was our purpose!

I pray for us every day, for the things we’ll never unsee, for the anguish we’ve endured, and I cannot begin to fathom the thought of what we DON’T know the extent of but our President does..
7/ It has been the greatest honor of my life to stand in the trenches with the Q Army and to stand in the gap for our great country, our world and our brothers and sisters and pray for what is ahead to be a time of complete unity.

We are almost there. Can you feel it?
8/ I don’t know about you, but I am ready for a never seen before, once in a lifetime,

You can follow @gapatriot3.
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