Shadow Sides: THROUGH THE SIGNS👹😈🧟‍♂️
Too often on this site do the astrologers dismiss altogether or rarely acknowledge the shadow side of the zodiac signs. I always see so much mob mentality against (insert worst sign here) and I think it’s often too nuanced and rooted in emotions to be accurate. As astrologers
We have to release the rhetoric that duality only exists amongst Gemini’s or mutable signs or Libra. It’s within every zodiac archetype there is. It’s within every planet and asteroid alike. With this thread I will acknowledge the shadow of all the signs and why they exist.
ARIES ♈️ SHADOW SIDE👺: Aries is a sign that is rooted in ROOT! They want it now and quickly. Often they had a parent who was too self absorbed to pay them enough attention so they walk through life with a chip on their shoulder giving everyone what they feel they got. Aries at
Their worst are demanding, cruel, backbiting, harsh, selfish, petty, violently reactive and overly aggressive. Aries energy is also Aries can be deceptive, childish, fake insensitive and arrogant. They want to be 1st and will stop at NOTHING TO ENSURE THEY ARE JEALOUS&RESENTFUL
TAURUS ♉️ SHADOW SIDE💩: Taurus is a sign that’s rooted in physicality. This extends past their bodies and into whatever they have around them. This too often includes people and often for their own selfish reasoning. They’re pretty but they’re deadly Taurus uses their innate
Understanding of what feels good, looks, good, smells good and tastes good to draw you in and possess you. They are taught early on that there’s always more where that came from and that could mean you. Taurus are possessive, conniving, dishonest, lying, self centered, cruel
Vindictive, power hungry, attention seeking through means of acquiring status and money, they’re often willing to do anything to convey a certain image of themselves to the world as having it together.
GEMINI ♊️ SHADOW SIDE 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️: Gemini shadow side comes out because often as children they were bored out of their mind and also were seen as pests to the adults in their lives due to their inquisitive and talkative nature. Because of this, Gemini feels the need to do whatever they
Can to try and gain the attention of people. They do this through means of going all they can to appear as interesting as possible to people. This includes being manipulative, lying, playing games of all sorts, this includes bring flighty, making others of two minds about them,
Being disingenuous, using others how and when they see fit, rampant irresponsibility and even engaging in extremely dangerous behavior just for the fun of it
CANCER ♋️ SHADOW SIDE🧛🏿‍♀️: Cancers are major absorbers of energy. A lot of them felt there was responsibility placed on them at a young age from a parent especially if it was a single parent household. Because they can often struggle with finding a sense of home that is balanced
They either had to give too much or didn’t receive much they can try to impose a home onto other people. Cancers are resentful, mean spirited, calculating, selfish, hoarding mentally and emotionally, overly sensitive, weak, emotionally manipulative, lying, greedy, and undermining
LEO ♌️ SHADOW SIDE🤬: Leo’s often feel like they didn’t receive enough exaltation in the home from parents of family so they do what they can to ensure that at fame or infant is the name of the game. Leo’s are willing to do anything in the name if attention, power plays, arrogant
Domineering, power hungry, undercutting, prideful, violently aggressive, physically and psychologically posturing, hateful, rage filled bullies. They’re also overly sensitive, loud, willfully stubborn, impatient, performing, gossiping, cruel,dishonest, demanding, and selfish.
They’re so overcome by the need to hear themselves roar they ignore their shadow with their heads held. Yikes
VIRGO ♍️ SHADOW SIDE😏: Virgos are anxious people. This generally comes from the fact that they place a lot of pressure on themselves and also carry projections of others ideas about where they should be onto themselves. Because they care so much about what seeming to have it
Together, they too often are internally falling apart. Virgos are overly critical, Debbie Downers, know-it-all’s, habitually dogmatic in all that they do. They also LIE! ALOT! Cunningly intelligent, intellectually manipulative, habitual projectors. Cheaters/cheatees, harsh,
And judgemental, they have an extremely addictive nature that manifests in anyway it can. Live, drugs, sex, work. They’re extremely two faced in that way. Virgos ca. Sometimes be overzealous and over reach their intellect because they Are paranoid that someone will outdo them
LIBRA ♎️ SHADOW SIDE😼: Libras, have a hard time with authenticity. Generally coming from a home environment where things were pushed under the rug and as a result learned to repress their truth. Libras, at their worst are disingenuous, playing politics with peoples minds and
Emotions, they’re the most likely to go behind your back on their word, or to try and use others as chess pieces in their games. Libras will be fake to get ahead, in work and relationships. Their lies and two faced ness and charisma makes them excellent scammers. Users fauxsecure
SCORPIO ♏️ SHADOW SIDE💀: Scorpios struggle their whole life with issues of security. They come into the world when their immediate family is in a volatile state. As a result, they carry an outer defensive, shell one where they hold their stinger at the ready. Too often, in their
Stinging of an enemy they sting themselves. They wouldn’t admit that. They’re too vindictive, petty, prideful, mean, self destructive, domineering, suffocating, control seeking, emotionally manipulative, emotionally reactive, overly sexual, attention seeking, overly sensitive,
Paranoid, resentful, begrudging, stubborn, self centered, power hungry, arrogant, egotistical and confrontational. They also always want to project the tough guy/girl image but find themselves hurt often. Dramatic, moody and volatile.
SAGITTARIUS ♐️ SHADOW SIDE🤡: Sagittarius go through life facing a lot of internal fear. This is why they’re always projecting “there’s more to this life” rhetoric. At their worst Sagittarius can be outrageously stubborn, dogmatic, braggadocio, overzealous, competitive,
Ungrateful, know it all, complainers. They can also be wildly dishonest, flighty,con artists. They think they’ve got it all figured out further propelling then towards prideful was, tactlessness, self proclaimed martyrdom. Obnoxious, loud, commanding, preachy, judgemental&mean
They’re often too trusting or not trusting at all. Sagittarius struggles with being extremely negative, lazy and can struggle with overindulgence on all levels. They may be overly optimistic and shortsided.
CAPRICORN ♑️ SHADOW SIDE: Capricorn’s Feel at From an early age that they are defined by their achievements. Because of this, they set out to be ambitious but the need to road to achievement is paved with repression. At their worst Capricorn peole are callous, addictive, negative
Calculating, authoritative, bossy, shrewd, undermining, deceptive,prone to deviancy, negative, greedy, sinister, self absorbed, obsessive, materialistic, and forceful. They’re not above acting shady to meet the ends to their means.
AQUARIUS ♒️ SHADOW SIDE👻: Aquarian’s can sometimes feel like they had to be unique or outstanding in their household because a parent was gone, outlandish or just misunderstood them. When Aquarius is underdeveloped they can be dry, harsh, shady, selfish, intellectually
Manipulative, attention seeking, jealous, fearful, stubborn, bossy, insecure, judgemental, cold, overly obtuse, mean spirited, vengeful, emotionally manipulative, arrogant and overly critical. They fear the ordinary because they think they could be seen as such.
PISCES ♓️ SHADOW SIDE🙃: Pisces deals with heightened awareness and innate understanding of the human condition. Whe a Pisces is performing as their worst self they are liars, manipulators of the highest degree, dangerous, vengeful, delusional, sloppy, addictive and attached to
Anything that will make them feel more. They can be extremely clingy and moody. They’re elusive and charming. They succumb to illusions, and escapism in all forms. Irresponsible and unaccountable. Living in reckless abandon and glorious denial as energetic vampires. Untrustworthy
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