There was one guy on food stamps, but most refused to take government assistance even though they were extremely poor & missing teeth. Most would rather be poor than take government handouts.
"Pelosi revealed afterwards that some of the people she spoke to at HBO told her that the video was too controversial for TV. She noted a slight hypocrisy between the willingness to run a video of “toothless rednecks, but when it’s our neighbors,” it becomes a problem."
"He responds, “Only because my ancestors came here to help build this place – my ancestors, the slaves.” He said the last time he worked was “half a decade” ago, and he wasn’t looking for a job – “maybe a career, but not a job.”"
"The people Pelosi interviewed at a welfare office on New York City’s 14th Street, admit they don’t want a job, and support President Barack Obama “because he gives me stuff,” and “because he’s black.”"
"One man smokes and drinks Budweiser through a straw as he stands on line. He laughs as he admits to having five children by four different mothers. He tells Pelosi, “I’m here to get a check … whatever they’ve got to offer, it’s not like they’ve got a checklist ..."
I can't find the full videos of ether the Mississippi video or the welfare video, but this link has clips from the welfare video:
While the white Mississippi backwoods people were poor & clearly not very bright, most of them still had a can-do outlook about their own lives. Most didn't want handouts. Civilization can be built & maintained by such men.
I think it shows a difference between the Republican underclass vs the Democrat underclass. They both are not very bright & say stupid stuff, but those in the Republican underclass still want to work & contribute to society in their own way as best they can.
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