BRIEF THREAD on the Younger Dryas and Graham Hancock’s theory on the handbag seen in engravings all over the earth 🌎
around 12-11,000 BC, a massive asteroid hit North America and caused glaciers the melt instantaneously, causing catastrophic flooding the likes of which we could not imagine
here is the camas prairie, located in Idaho. the ripples, which are 13-30 ft high, were caused by these powerful floodwaters

gargantuan boulders can be found across the american NW in strange places as well, which were carried in the floods
12,000 BC is around when gobleki tepe was built, a remarkably large and complex structure found in rural turkey.

it is the oldest known structure of its kind, and it features the mysterious handbag shape in its engravings
*bonus* 11,600 BC, which is widely thought to be the precise date of the Younger Dryas impact, is exactly when Plato said that the civilization of Atlantis was sunk. makes you wonder...
Hancock theorizes that this handbag was a sort of call sign for a highly-advanced civilization, whose last survivors spread out across the globe to pass on their knowledge
it was their teachings that resulted in the complex north-south aligned structures found across the globe, such as the pyramids, serpent mound, gobleki tepe, etc.
the greatest take away from all of this is that civilization did not start around 12,000 BC, but RESTARTED.

what secrets were lost to man forever when the Younger Dryas impact struck the earth?
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