This thread is about the infamous White Rabbit. IET did a thread on this showing how Adrenochrome and the White Rabbit had a synonymous meaning. I think its even deeper and more ominous than that.
Many have associated the white rabbit with pedophilia in general, but I think it has a very specific meaning. We have seen how certain words or images have very specific meanings to this crowd.
Red shoes have meaning too as just posted in a great Hanx thread by my friend @Mareq16
So why wouldnt the White Rabbit have a specific meaning? Well it does, as illustrated by IET above. But there is more. Lets take a look at a couple of well known clips from two iconic movies and break each down.
First, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. I'll admit I'm a HUGE MP fan, and can probably recite most of this damn movie verbatim. I know many others that can as well.
Please watch the whole clip. Now, if we take what we know of the White Rabbit, adrenochrome, how adrenochrome is formed, and how it is harvested, this whole clip takes on a much less funny tone.
Notice the build-up of fear prior to them heading in to confront the rabbit. " I soiled my drawers" Also notice that the sacrificial knight had a "Y" on his shield? Then the rabbit with fangs, going right for the jugular, blood spraying everywhere.
Next clip, from the original Matrix. The infamous follow the White Rabbit scene.
Notice the setup, waking from sleep, IE making you more aware. The white rabbit on the girl's shoulder being presented as they are discussing mind-altering drugs ( mescaline ). Again put it all together and what do you get?
Here is an excellent thread put together that shows so much symbolism its not even funny. Again, notice the rabbit symbols, but also the pizza and others mixed in.
We know that Lewis Carrol is like a demi-God to these folks. Alice in Wonderland, in particular, holds their attention greatly. Lewis Carrol had a penchant for younger girls, and Alice the character is named after a very real, very young, Alice in his life.
So guess what appears in Alice in Wonderland? Yep, you guessed it. A white rabbit
So finally, what do I think that the White Rabbit really means? Not only is it symbolic for adrenochrome, it's very symbolic for the USE that the child will be put too. Meaning any time you see a white rabbit juxtaposed with a child, that child is meant for adrenochrome harvest.
Taking that another step, any time you see a white rabbit in use as a pedo symbol, you can bet that either adrenochrome use OR harvest will be what's advertised.
These people are sick... See my Covid/Adrenochrome thread if you want to know more about what that means specifically.
Thank you for reading, I hope I have both informed and educated.
I WILL FB Patriots! I have gained about 2000 followers over the weekend, so it will take me a bit of time to get you all, but I will! Thank you for the comments and the follows!
A GREAT Adrenochrome explanation thread.
Solid adrenochrome digs here...
A website that is a proponent of Adrenochrome use. Be prepared before you dive into this one.
A good dig on blood drinkers.
Adrenochrome patent expires today...
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