WHO: Europe is now the epicentre. More new daily cases than China at peak of their outbreak. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-51876784

US: Lets panic those Americans into rushing back from Europe, have them randomly mix & then spread them out everywhere. Staggeringly incompetent. A turning point. https://twitter.com/BrookeGMcDonald/status/1238986272137502720
"Despite witnessing the devastation in China, &rapid response put in place by its neighbors,European countries were flatfooted...media has paid relatively little attention to role of Europe as an accelerator of the virus’s spread"
Neither in Europe nor in US was restricting Transport (esp planes) to contain virus spread even considered an option in the crucial month of February or even till March when it became far too late. Despite Hubei's example or serious warnings in late Jan. http://gis.cas.sc.edu/gibd/how-our-collective-efforts-of-fighting-the-virus-are-reflected-on-maps/https://twitter.com/70sBachchan/status/1221800409892782083
US restricted flights from China Feb 2nd, Europe on March 13th. But restricting travel domestically (esp NY, Seattle hotspots) weren't considered.
Map below shows ppl outflows from NYC to other states between March 20 and March 30. https://twitter.com/70sBachchan/status/1221800409892782083
First coronavirus cases in at least 93 countries resulted from travel from and within Europe. US//EU first cases from Hubei but their delayed response served to accelerate the virus' spread. Latest @nextstrain report has more on transmission dynamics.
On the plausibility of greater transmissability of the G mutation in SARS-CoV-2 virus' spike protein. Almost all viruses w this mutation descend from introduction into Europe that then spread worldwide. Thread https://twitter.com/trvrb/status/1257825358159605760
Finally on NYT frontpage: Travel From New York seeded spread nationwide & led to wave of US outbreaks. Should have made news in Feb or March when travel restrictions would have made a difference. Its what China did to contain epidemic to Hubei on 23rd Jan. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/07/us/new-york-city-coronavirus-outbreak.html
US restricted flights from China Feb 2nd, Europe on Mar 13th. But precautionary domestic restrictions (esp from NY, Seattle hotspots) wasn't even considered. New research — Virus spread coast to coast more by domestic air travel than intl flights by March https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30484-0
Flying may never be the same again. 9/11 introduced airport security, corona introduces, well...read for yourself. https://twitter.com/laurelchor/status/1260784481159442434
"In a globalized world, a deadly disease is one plane ride away" is the oldest cliche about pandemics. Usually used as enlightened self interest to motivate helping poor countries. Domestically, it was affluent who fled New York in March & spread outbreaks http://gis.cas.sc.edu/gibd/how-our-collective-efforts-of-fighting-the-virus-are-reflected-on-maps/
(1) Outbreaks across 🌍 are intertwined
(2) Travel introduces virus to most communities
(3) Once these "sparks" land in a new place, many fizzle out. Some sparks burst into flames
(4) These local outbreaks send off their own sparks, spreading to new places
Inability to restrict travel was deadly. Paper: "UK epidemic comprises a very large number of importations due to inbound intl travel...estimate ≈34% of detected UK transmission lineages arrived via travel from Spain,≈29% from France, ≈14% from Italy"
For UK, imports of virus from travellers rapidly rose in March, peaked mid-March, and then quickly declined by April. ~34% of lineages arrived via Spain, 29% from France, 14% from Italy. "Notably the contribution of China & other Asian countries was small" https://virological.org/t/preliminary-analysis-of-sars-cov-2-importation-establishment-of-uk-transmission-lineages/507
Finally! Hotel Quarantine for travelers from hotspots! Imagine how different things would be if similar policy to stop sparks creating more fires had been put on:
ppl from Europe in Feb/March
ppl as they fled East Coast in March https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1275816957732884482
Travel restrictions (or hotel quarantine) vital to controlling PANdemics. @yaneerbaryam @nntaleb @normonics urged them on Jan 26th! https://www.academia.edu/41743064/Systemic_Risk_of_Pandemic_via_Novel_Pathogens_-_Coronavirus_A_Note

Stunning genomic dataviz on how intl & domestic travelers seeded outbreaks worldwide ht @evogytis
Gripping account. "Invisible outbreaks sprang up everywhere. The United States ignored the warning signs. We analyzed travel patterns, hidden infections and genetic data to show why the epidemic spun out of control." https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-spread.html
How international & domestic travelers seeded outbreaks worldwide. Incredible vizualization of @nextstrain genetic data. ht @evogytis
Coronavirus' cunning 21stC Columbian Exchange plan to boomerang transatlantically on planes has been foiled https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/world/europe/europe-us-travel-ban.html
How many Trillions of dollars, billions of jobs & millions of lives would have not been lost if Air Travel had been preemptively shut down in January 2020? No travel, no pandemic! https://twitter.com/70sBachchan/status/1275890228029423616
Its sad as researchers from 2000s (after 2003 SARS & Ebola) found travel from hub airports as accelerants & competent E asian states screened/quarantined travellers in real-time. Cordon Sanitaire arguments that EU/UK/NY make *now* are just head exploding! https://twitter.com/70sBachchan/status/1221800409892782083
Decades of warnings 'Infectious diseases are only a plane ride away'. Yet, July 2020,as Pandemic rages, UK:
"There’s plenty of ppl walking through Heathrow Airport & nobody even asked them where they’re going. They get on the tube and go home"
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