Yesterday I tweeted this out, and first it was out of frustration, then the cop in me wonder why. Why is one of the richest me in the world fanning these flames, so I went to digging
First why specifically the COVID-19

Well in 2015 the PirBright Institute applied for a Patent on the Coronavirus and it was granted on Jan 2018 under Patent #20170216427
Okay Pirbright Institute, who are they?

The Pirbright Institute develops reagents, tools and new techniques for diagnosing viral diseases and for species specific research.
Guess who is one of the major funders of Pirbright?

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Okay maybe not nefarious but raises questions.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. 
Event 201 exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic & societal consequences.🤔

Event 201 was modeled around a "fictional" coronavirus
Event 201 concluded that this "fictional" coronavirus could possibly kill 65 million people. Their solution was have a vaccine within months of an outbreak and to have it ready to market.
Market = money
Within two weeks of the coronavirus making headlines, Netflix releases a new series that is nothing more than a scare piece aimed at causing panis by using the most extreme scenarios possible to push fear, and who is the star virus?

Who is the hero? Bill Gates and his movement to push vaccines
So Netflix releases one of the most horrific series possible, that argues a population-destroying flu is right around the corner. And who is a funder of this?

Bill and Melinda Gates
But one of its most interesting aspects has nothing to do with how deadly the coronavirus avian flu is in China. Instead, it has to do with one leader in the space by the name of Jake Glanville and his unusual connection to Elizabeth Holmes‘ failed tech nightmare, Theranos.
Who is Elizabeth Holmes?

Holmes founded the company Real-Time Cures in Palo Alto, California, to "democratize healthcare". Holmes described her fear of needles as a motivation and sought to perform blood tests using only small amounts of blood.
When Holmes initially pitched the idea to reap "vast amounts of data from a few droplets of blood derived from the tip of a finger" to her medicine professor Phyllis Gardner at Stanford, Gardner responded, "I don't think your idea is going to work"
Garner explained it was impossible to do what she was claiming could be done. Other expert medical professors told Holmes the same thing. Holmes didn't relent, & she succeeded in getting a known shady backer.

Clinton Global Initiative & the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
With this new financial backing Holmes named the company Theranos (a portmanteau of "therapy" and "diagnosis").
The credibility of Theranos was in part interpreted as an effect of Holmes's personal connections and ability to recruit the support of influential people including Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton, George Shultz, and Bill Gates
On June 15, 2018, following an investigation by the US Atty's Office in San Francisco that lasted over 2 yrs, a Fed GJ indicted Holmes & Theranos COO & Pres, Ramesh Balwani, on 9 counts of wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Both pleaded not guilty.
The case is U.S. v. Holmes, 18-cr-00258, United States District Court for the Northern District of California and it is set to begin on July 28, 2020. They face up to 20 years in prison.

Timing is everything, remember that
But let’s back up for a second. The researchers, doctors, & scientists at the center of Pandemic repeatedly make one point clear. Another flu pandemic is almost guaranteed to happen soon. The docuseries repeatedly references an outbreak that happened in 1918 as what could happen
In Pandemic they cite the 1918 flu outbreak during a time when commercial air travel didn’t exist, an estimated 50 to 100 million people worldwide died of the flu, a death toll greater than either WWI or WWII saw.

Wait who just said that in a speech?
Here is where Bernie cites that very thing
At the same time this Netflix scare docuseries comes out, Bill and Melinda Gates become the majority stockholders in a company called Inovio Inc. NASDAQ:INO, and what happens just after they make this investment.
The struggling company that was almost dead, gets a new facelift and they are off to the races
So what is really going on here?

I have a lot of questions and I'm still looking for answers.

But that tweet from Bill Gates wasn't random I am positive.
Back to this docuseries Pandemic, it gives light to Jake Glanville. The founder and chairman of the biotech company Distributed Bio, Glanville and his team’s goal is to make the world’s first universal flu vaccine and offer it worldwide.
But Glanville has a disturbing problem of his own. Distributed Bio is completely funded out of pocket. He is in dire need of funding. In order to continue his company’s "potentially" life-saving research, they need more money.

And they will do about anything to get it.
Elizabeth Holmes and her biotech company Theranos are presented as a cautionary tale to Glanville’s dreams. In case you need a refresher on all of that, Holmes and her blood testing company were one of Silicon Valley’s darlings. At its peak, the company was valued at $10 billion.
But it was all a sham. Holmes’ revolutionary blood testing device, which was supposed to accurately run hundreds of tests using only a single drop of blood, never worked in the first place. In 2018, after waves of blistering press, the company shut down.
Holmes, the woman once hailed as a biotech genius who was supposed to change the world with a company she founded at 19, now faces up to 20 years in prison for defrauding investors, doctors, and patients. Her trial is set to begin on July 28 of this year as I said before.
Though Glanville never expressly mentions Theranos, Pandemic implies that his hangups with taking money from investors may be connected to Theranos’ fall. “In order to get funding, they often have to convince investors about ideas that haven’t been proven out yet."
And sometimes they do not have sound science to back up their claims, Noe when you take venture capital you either lose control of your company and the only way for these types to remain solvent is get into bed with big money funding.
Glanville and his principal scientist Sarah Ives after they apply for and is granted a grant created by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and CEO of Alphabet. Hmmm so now we know who he's in bed with and the timely release of this docuseries stoking fear.
The real kicker from all this monetary hand-wringing? According to Ives, Distributed Bio only needs about $2 million to start a pre-clinical trial with ferrets and pigs. It would take an estimated $10 million to get to the point of human trials. That's a rounding error to Gates
So there is a real motivation for the Gates Foundation to throw money into a fear pushing series on Netflix, throw money at a principle player in the series to keep him funded, and buy into a biotech company whose stock jumps out of the penny stock catagory up 700%
. @CharlesOrtel can tell you first hand how entwined the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is with the Clintons. He has all the paperwork and has been after it for years.
Well well @CharlesOrtel Bill Gates is stepping down from Microsoft board to spend more time on philanthropic activities, i.e. Bill and Melanie Gates Foundation.

Timing is everything
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