Lets think straight here:

Every asset is selling off right now.

What are they down against?
The dollar.

What is getting printed at new ultra speeds and cheaper than ever.
The dollar.

This is Act 1

I call it: the lure
I don’t care if you’re a gold bug or a bitcoiner, a real estate investor, or a stock owner.

At least all have some form of scarcity, or ownership, or utility in common. Markets dropping without mercy on all assets will cause the masses to sell all their assets for paper.
We’ve known there will be a recession and we’ve all prognosticated it will cause the dollar to collapse.

If you had a lot of dollars, what would you want to do?

Use market forces to encourage others to take them off your hands in exchange for their assets at a steep discount.
Watch the whales.

Find out what negative interest debts are denominated in and if they have inflation/deflation protection.

Question who is selling and where they put the proceeds.

Something doesn’t add up right, and this may be the biggest heist in history.
You can follow @FelixOHartmann.
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