1. Sayla Mass, a character I absolutely fell in love with when watching 0079. Her manga self is a badass girl who commands the situation, but still helps those who are less fortunate. Sayla is a reliable woman, trained in firearms and field medicine. Definitely someone to call
2. Relena Peacecraft, a young girl who’s world was drastically changed, who decided to embark along the path of pacifism after finding out her origin. She is daring and willing to stand fast, refusing to be faltered by those who seek her or her friends harm.
3. Anjou-San, a fashionable girl who has a thing for cutting hair and innocent yet respectful nerds. Anjou comes off as promiscuous, but in reality she cares deeply for those close to her, saying she has no time for those who do not matter. She is a girl angel in street wear
4. Holo the Wise, the harvest goddess. Holo ends up traveling with her merchant companion Lawrence. She is mischievously playful, after taunting and teasing Lawrence, but don’t let that fool you, she has wit has sharp as her senses and knows when you’re untruthful
5. Bianca Carlyle, a new edition but a worthy one. Bianca is a federation support suit pilot. She is cheerful and cute, and plays a mean piano. She is quick on her feet and can handle herself in a fight. Definitely a shining example of pilot skills
6. Alpha, while I’m still reading her story, Alpha is a kind and gentle soul. She may be a robot, but she is more human than most humans can say. She makes friends easily and always treats tho who come to her shop as an equal, offering delightful conversion I quickly fell in love
7. Jate, while she may be the bad gal when we first meet her she is cold and calculated, but we slowly get to she her open up and show compassion. She cares deeply for the automatons of the frozen wasteland, and for her allies.
8. Gudrid is a woman who’s only dream was to explore the uncharted world with her father figure Lief. She disliked the set societal role that woman were made to follow, and instead chose to push back and become independent. She’s a courage woman who deserves respect
9. Atra Mixta, she may be small, but she has a heart filled with determination, who’s will is unbreakable. She loves her friends, and would never betray them. Atra outlasted a interrogation without ever giving Kudelia up. She is a mother bear the size of a kitten
10. Nagatoro, a bully of a kohai, who enjoys reading her Senpai. She’s secretly shy and unsure of how to convey her emotions. She can get carried away, but her feelings are genuine. Just be careful you don’t have anything lewd, or she’ll make fun of you
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