To all the men who say Islam has given every right to women, you're right! Give us our rights.

1. Don't force us to look after your family & parents as it's not obligatory as per Islam.
2. Pay us for breastfeeding and complete ur child's full expenses even after divorce
3. Prophet said, 'Education is compulsory for every muslim' not only men, so let all women study properly.

4. Both men and women have the right to choose their own spouse so don't kill your sisters, daughters in the name of honour if she falls in love.
5.If your wife earns, you have no right over her money, but if u're earning you've to fulfil needs of the whole family, & if you fail to do so, you will lose ur authority

6.Since dowry is strictly forbidden, keep your heavy demands to yourselves and get everything by yourselves
7. Your wife can ask for anything in haq meher, consult with her for Haq meher.

8. The clause 17 of nikkah gives the right to the woman to write anything in it, let her do that instead of cutting out the whole part.
9. The clause 18 gives the right to the woman to take Talaq e Tafweez, that means she can take divorce without losing her haq meher and involving legal activities, let her do that instead of cutting out the whole part.
10. The clause 21 says that a man can't marry another woman while already being married.
Let her have her right to ask for this instead of cutting out the whole part.
12)Fulfil your wife's personal needs and desires.

13)If you have more than one wife, treat them all fairly, you can't leave any one of them alone.
14. Holy Prophet was kind to all of his wives.
During menstruation he would ask his wives to lay down and rest.
Let your wives have rest too instead of forcing them to do house work during menses.
He appreciated that girls like to have fun, he would let Hazrat Aisha watch games.
15. You can not force your wife to have intercourse with you if she's on her periods, or sick, or fasting.
If she is uncomfortable in the beginning, you have to give her time and make sure you make her feel comfortable instead of forcing her.
16. Ask your wife's opinion on everything since Holy Prophet would do the same.

17. You can not look at any woman with the wrong intentions or bring her home, if you do so, you will be answerable to your wife.
18. Treat your wife well, with honour, respect, and do not verbally abuse her because Holy Prophet has strictly told every Muslim man and woman not to verbally abuse your spouse.
19. Since smoking, watching porn, wearing indecent dresses is prohibited for every Muslim, stop doing it too instead of judging girls for doing it and slut shaming them for it.
There's nowhere written that a man can do all of this and women can't.
20. Qur'an addresses men first to lower their gaze when a woman is walking, even if she hasn't done hijab.
Holy Prophet said, 'Be chaste yourselves and women will be chaste as well'...
This point was again illustrated when the Prophet rode with his companion Al Fadl bin Abbas. A woman described as strikingly beautiful approached the Prophet to seek his guidance on some religious matters. Al Fadl began to stare at her because of her beauty.
Noting this, the Prophet Muhammad did not scold the woman for dressing immodestly or revealing her beauty. Instead, he “reached his hand backwards, catching Al Fadl’s chin, and turned his face to the other side so that he would not gaze at her”...
Thus the primary burden to establish Hijab is equal for men & women.

There would be no need of marches if men actually work on giving all these rights to women. Civilised societies nurish & prosper when men & women protect the rights of each other rather than infringing them.
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