Contrary to what many think, I don't spend my time talking to dismissives and my only helpful tip is this: don't bother, unless (a) you enjoy arguing and never getting anywhere or (b) there are other people listening who need to know there are solid answers to their objections.
My personal definition of a dismissive is someone who, if an angel from God with brand-new tablets of stone reading "Global Warming Is Real" in foot-high letters of flame appeared to them, would not change their minds. So why would 10000 scientific studies do so? They won't.
But here's the good news: 90% of us AREN'T dismissive! And that means that yes, there IS a secret to talking about climate change with the vast majority of us. And (since I don't like keeping secrets) here it is 😁
The science-y, religious-y and even economic-y arguments we hear so often (it's a natural cycle! God is in control! the only sol'n is to destroy the economy!) are smokescreens. Engage briefly with a quick response, but don't be a Don Quixote. Move past them to the real problems:
Problem #2 is psychological distance: we think climate impacts are distant and far-off in space, and/or time, and/or in terms of what is relevant to our lives. Check out these survey results from the @YaleClimateComm
Tackle this one by connecting the dots between what we already care about (our kids; hunting or fishing; our city or town; the economy; national security; our business) and how climate change is affecting them today. See my story about Canadian Tire here:
Problem #3 is solution aversion: we think the only ways to fix climate change are harmful, painful, negative and unpleasant. Destroying the economy. Abortion (yes, for real - I've heard this a lot). Handing over my truck, my lifestyle, personal liberties to the gov't or the UN.
This one is the most fun to talk about because we get to share good news! Like the fact that there are over a hundred positive, beneficial sol'ns from educating women + girls to carbon farming to smart transportation 
That here in TX we have the first carbon-neutral airport in NAm, the biggest army base in the US and it's been powered by wind + sun, we're #1 in wind, #5 in solar and solar capacity is doubling every year, cities like Houston w climate action plans...
The innovations that are happening in unexpected places from churches to big companies to poor countries to the world's wealthiest investment firms divesting from fossil fuels ...
Our emissions are only beginning to bend away from continued growth. We've only taken the 1st step. But using our voice to advocate for system-wide change is one of the most effective ways we can act to ensure a future that's better, not worse, than today.
So YES, do talk about climate change to the 90% of us who are doubtful, disengaged, cautious, concerned or alarmed. Acknowledge our doubts and our fears. But focus on what unites us, not what divides us. Because when it all comes down to it,
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