Here is how I became involved with trans related issues.

I was a #startrek fan. I ran a science fiction con. Met a bunch of other nerdy kids & adults. One said they were trans. So I read up on it, asked folks lots of questions and learned a lot from folks smarter then me.
Of trans people I've met (probably more then the average cis person, having met them through my friend) most are lovely, some can be assholes but no more the the average population.

They are just trying to get through a more difficult life then cis people generally have.
Having done my research 20 years back I've seen (from outside) the culture towards trans people change.

Being "gender critical" was a bullshit transphobic niche philosophy 20 years ago. It was made fun of on comedy shows.
Now it's a stark contrast in the UK to 20 years ago. The @guardian will publish anti trans hate speach in a national news paper about being "silenced".. by a minority.

A minority that is a fraction of a percentile.

Comic by 
The most common horrible acusation I see made in the abstract about my friend and folks like her is the idea that they are somehow dangerous to others. It's a myth based on a lie.

An idea from the 50s used against LGB folks now targeted at TQ ones.
But I still dont "get" it. How do we let irrational fear take us away in sutch a whirlwind.

We as a society have never been safer, happier or had more opportunities. (Dont @me I know nothings perfect, still more to do)

I just dont get how we choose to fail each other.
After a month and a half of no activity this thread on my profile suddenly became a focus of the attention of numerous transphobic people who came to harass me because I complained about Glinner trivialising abuse.

It seems that has consequences...
This first hand account of someone who previously made anti trans arguments makes for illuminating reading.

It's also good to remember that those who make these arguments have often had their own pain leveraged against them.
You can follow @jamesfbrophy.
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