I’m fascinated by #2’s. The spouses, side-kicks, and chief’s of staff.

Ed McMahon to Johnny Carson, Tensing Norgay to Edmund Hillary, Abigail Adams to John Adams, Marty Ginsburg to Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

But my favorite to think about is...
Paul Childs, husband to Julia Childs.

Julia credits him in her cookbook as; “the man who is always there: porter, dishwasher, official photographer, mushroom dicer and onion chopper, editor, fish illustrator, manager, taster, idea man, resident poet, and husband.”
Part of why I love the idea of being the #2 is because this individual is a bit of a jack of all trades.

Picture Paul Childs helping Julia with all that needed to be done to publish a cookbook.

Or Abigail Adams...
She played such an instrumental roll as an advisor to her husband, exchanging hundreds of letters over their lifetime, that political opponents would call her “Mrs. President” during her husband’s administration.

So here’s where and how I’m focusing my attention...
1. Identify your #1. Yes, you can have more than 1.

2. What are they working on or struggling with? What are their blind spots/weaknesses?

3. What tasks can you do that make your #1 slightly faster, smarter, or effective or less stressed?

4. Tackle those tasks!

5. Repeat.
“The person who clears the path, ultimately controls its direction.”
- @RyanHoliday
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